Volúmen 11, Número 5
Punto de vista
Notas prácticas
- Reseñas de libros
- The State of the World’s Refugees 2000: Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action
Oxford: OUP, 2000, ISBN: 0 19924 106 6, 340pp.
Reviewed by Sharon Rusu, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK.
- Social Development in Latin America: The Politics of Reform
Tulchin, Joseph S. ;Garland, Allison M.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000, ISBN 1 55587 843 1, 268 pp.
Reviewed by Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara, UNRISD, Switzerland
- Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out
Finger, Matthias; Asun, Jose Manuel
London: Zed Books, 2001, ISBN: 1 85649 751, 207 pp.
Reviewed by Rosemary Ebele Nwangwu, Department of Adult Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria
- World Vision Security Manual: Safety Awareness for Aid Workers
Rogers, Charles S.; Sytsma, Brian (eds.)
Reviewed by Scott Custer, Relief Solutions, USA
- Operational Security Management in Violent Environments
Van Brabrant, Koenraad
London: Overseas Development Institute, 2000, ISBN: 0 85003 457 4, 354 pp.
Reviewed by Scott Custer, Relief Solutions, USA
- Poverty in Plenty: A Human Development Report for the UK
Seymour, Jane (ed.)
London: Earthscan, 2000, ISBN: 1 85383 707 5.
Reviewed by Kate Evans, ATD Fourth World, UK
- Towards Financial Self-reliance: A Handbook on Resource Mobilisation for Civil Society Organisations in the South
Holloway, Richard
London: Earthscan, 2001, ISBN: 1 85383 733 3, 232 pp.
Reviewed by Cecilia Iorio, Formerly Oxfam GB, Brazil