Última actualização:
16 March 07

Prefácio (PDF 31k)
Deborah Eade

Ensaio introdutório: Desenvolvimento, ONG’s e sociedade civil: o debate e o seu futuro (PDF 106k)
Jenny Pearce

Intensificando o impacto das ONGs no desenvolvimento: aprendendo com a experiência
Michael Edwards e David Hulme

Ajude a si próprio ajudando aos pobres
Gino Lofredo

ONGs: Conchas de sopa nos refeitórios assistenciais globais?
Stephen Commins

Colaboração com o Sul: agentes de ajuda ou solidariedade?
Firoze Manji

Governança corporativa para as ONGs? (sumário)
Mick Moore e Sheelagh Stewart

Dançando com o príncipe: estratégias de sobrevivência das ONGs no conflito afegão (sumário)
Jonathan Goodhand com Peter Chamberlain

As ONGs e o Estado: um estudo de caso de Uganda
Christy Cannon

As ONGs, os pobres e o governo local
Christopher Collier

Vamos entender corretamente a sociedade civil: ONGs, Estado e teoria política
Alan Whaites

Despolitizando o desenvolvimento: os usos e abusos da participação (sumário)
Sarah C. White

São todos iguais? A implementação do Desenvolvimento Humano Sustentável pela ActionAid e pelo Programa de Desenvolvimento da ONU (sumário)
Lilly Nicholls

Fortalecendo a sociedade civil: pesquisa sobre ação participativa em um estado militarizado (sumário)
Amina Mama

Bibliografia Comentada

Desenvolvimento, ONGs e Sociedade Civil

Introdução de Jenny Pearce, editado por Deborah Eade

coverA expansão do neoliberalismo e do chamado Consenso de Washington tem gerado uma importante agenda internacional sobre o que se constitui boa governança, democratização e o próprio papel do Estado e da sociedade civil no estímulo ao desenvolvimento. Com a queda dos gastos públicos, o setor das ONGs tem se beneficiado massivamente ao assumir o papel de fornecer serviços. Ao mesmo tempo, assim como as organizações da sociedade civil, as ONGs são um canal conveniente pelo qual as agências oficiais podem promover o pluralismo político. As ONGs, porém, podem desempenhar essas tarefas simultaneamente? Elas podem facilitar a saída dos governos do fornecimento de serviços básicos para a população e ao mesmo tempo alegar que elas representam os pobres e necessitados? As ONGs são atores políticos legítimos por direito? Jenny Pearce apresenta artigos que descrevem algumas das tensões inerentes nos papéis que têm sido desempenhados pelas ONGs e indaga se elas representam de maneira verdadeira algo que seja fundamentalmente diferente das agências de cuja generosidade as ONGs dependem cada vez mais.

© Oxfam GB 2000.
ISBN 0 85598 442 2
All rights reserved.

‘The mix of academic and practitioner contributions, and of contributors from the South and the North, means the book is equally useful for development practitioners and policy makers, and for students of development studies.’
Journal of International Development

‘Not only highlights the difficulties in translating theoretical ideas into action, but also suggests that the NGO community has not been able to develop its own theories on most critical issues it faces in development. ... Recommended to anyone interested in the themes of development, NGOs, and civil society in the last decade of the twentieth century when his/her world is witnessing significant change due to the collapse of dominant ideologies.’
PRIO Journal

‘A useful collection with several features to recommend it. In particular, its value rests in its treatment of an extensive range of issues that confront NGDOs as they assume more responsibility for development activities, the inclusion of various recommendations for improving the efficiency and accountability of NGOs (especially for Northern organisations in their interactions with Southern ones), and the balanced combination of the theoretical and practical. Moreover, and importantly, this volume presents the work of a set of highly qualified and experienced scholars and practitioners, whose viewpoints and advice are well worth considering and heeding.’
European Journal of Development Research

‘An admirable attempt to grapple with the thorny issues of NGOs’ roles and responsibilities as they become ever more central players in development. The combination of critical assessments of NGOs’ practice and serious analysis of what might constitute ‘civil society’is invaluable. These are the tough questions which are often ducked and which Development, NGOs and Civil Society tackles with vigour.’
- Marcela López Levy, Latin America Bureau

NGOs and Civil Society demands attention for three reasons ... valuable recent historical perspective ... diversity of view and authors contained within it, with a suitable mix of academics and practitioners, Northerners and Southerners and men and women ... [T]he well-informed, critical tone of most of the papers is the third strength of this collection. This book will be useful for practitioners seeking to make sense of a complex subject, as well as for teachers and students looking for a good, topical introduction to the subject. There is a comprehensive annotated bibliography included for further exploration of many of the issues.’
– David Lewis, Community Development Journal

‘An excellent overview of some of the key issues confronting civil society as the development industry enters the 21st Century, echoing the critical rigor that I have come to expect from Development in Practice. I will certainly recommend it to colleagues as an excellent critical reader, and I will pass this recommendation along to colleagues teaching development-related classes in universities here in the States.’
– Scott Chaplowe, Development Consultant

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