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Volume 14, number 4

Deborah Eade


Poverty reduction and violence against women: exploring links, assessing impact
Geraldine Terry

Hearing silenced voices: developing community with an advisory committee
Wilfreda E. Thurston, Pip J. Farrar, Ann L. Casebeer, and Judith C. Grossman

'Marriage' to capital: the fallback positions of Fiji's women garment workers
Christy Harrington

Myths and realities of the impact of political Islam on women: female employment in Indonesia and Iran
Roksana Bahramitash

Officialising strategies: participatory processes and gender in Thailand’s water resources sector
Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Mary Jane Real, and Panadda Pantana

Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam
Diana Santillán, Sidney Ruth Schuler, Hoang Tu Anh, Tran Hung Minh, Quach Thu Trang, and Nguyen Minh Duc

Practical Notes

Expanding women's opportunities: the potential of heifer projects in sub-Saharan Africa
Fred M. Ssewamala

The impact of institutional racism upon indigenous economic and human development in Australia
Don Fuller, Myles Howard, and Eileen Cummings

When do communities know best? UNICEF's search for relevant social indicators in Zimbabwe
George Kararach

Supporting NGO partners affected by HIV/AIDS
Rick James and Dan Mullins

Book reviews

Bannon, Ian and Paul Collier (eds.)
Natural Resources and Violent Conflict: Options and Actions
Washington, DC, World Bank, 2003, ISBN: 0 8213 5503 1, 409 pp.
reviewed by
Michael Renner
Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC

Webster, Neil and Lars Engberg-Pedersen (eds.)
In the Name of the Poor: Contesting Political Space for Poverty Reduction
London: Zed Books, 2002, ISBN: 1 85649 959 6, 279 pp.
reviewed by
Armando Román-Zozaya
Instituto Ortega y Gasset, Madrid

Booth, Anne and Paul Mosley (eds.)
The New Poverty Strategies - What Have They Achieved? What Have We Learned?
Basingstoke and New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, ISBN: 0 333 91975 0, 285 pp.
reviewed by
Steen Folke
Aid Impact Research Programme, Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen

Tembo, Fletcher
Participation, Negotiation and Poverty: Encountering the Power of Images
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003, ISBN: 0 7546 3377 2, 188 pp.
reviewed by
Bill Cooke
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Manchester

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