Full text (PDF 534K)Preface
Deborah EadeOver the edge: health-care provision, development, and marginalisation
Eleanor HillResearch on womens health: some methodological issues
T. K. Sundari RavindranDeterrents to immunisation in Somalia: a study of mothers attitudes
Anne LaFondParticipatory appraisal in the UK urban health sector: keeping faith with perceived needs
Teresa CresswellStressed, depressed or bewitched? A perspective on mental health, culture, and religion
Vikram Patel, Jane Mutambirwa, and Sekai MhiwatiwaTraining indigenous workers in mental health care
Jane Shackman and Jill ReynoldsThe psychosocial effects of conflict in the Third World
Derek SummerfieldFinancing primary health care: an NGO perspective
Patricia Diskett and Patricia NicksonPopulation control on the new world order
Betsy HartmannAdjusting health care: the case of Nicaragua
Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud (CISAS)Evaluating HIV/AIDS programmes
Hilary HughesWidows and orphans property disputes: the impact of AIDS in Rakai District, Uganda
Chris Roys