Last updated:
07 March 07

About Development in Practice

The journal Development in Practice (DIP) was founded by Oxfam GB in 1991 and is published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. While the journal is editorially independent, the editorial and administrative team - the Editor-in-Chief, the Reviews Editor/Office Manager, and a part-time Administrator - are on the staff of Oxfam GB, which is the journal’s main sponsor and copyright holder. Deborah Eade took over as Editor shortly after the journal was launched. Development in Practice is now published in six issues a year, of which one is a themed double issue.

The Development in Practice Readers series was started in 1996, as a means of making articles published in the journal accessible to a wider audience by compiling them around specific themes. A valuable additional feature of each title in the series is the Annotated Resources List prepared by the editorial team, which provides an essential guide to cutting-edge thinking and action of the chosen topic. Published for nine years by Oxfam GB, the series moved to Kumarian Press in October 2004. Titles may be purchased from Kumarian Press and Oxfam Publishing. Six of the books have been translated into Spanish. These may be purchased from Intermón-Oxfam. A selection of Readers has been published by Rawat Publishers for exclusive distribution in SE Asia.

The journal went online in 1995 and the website was launched in 2001, to celebrate our tenth anniversary year. It was completely re-designed by GreenNet in 2006.

We are committed to making articles published in Development in Practice accessible to the widest possible audience and have always accepted contributions in our four working languages - French, Portuguese, and Spanish as well as English. We began translating article abstracts in 1995 and these are freely available on the website. In addition, we have commissioned full-text translations of selected articles into Spanish. Plans are in place to start translating selected items into Chinese in the course of 2006. We welcome requests for further translations into any of our existing languages, and are willing to post translations into any language on the website.

We know that Internet access is poor or prohibitively expensive in many countries and are hoping to develop various CD-ROM packages to help to address this problem during 2007. We also invite visitors from low- and middle-income countries to take advantage of our Reduced Rate subscriptions, as well as the various means of acquiring articles free of charge or at low cost.

Development in Practice gratefully acknowledges the generosity of Oxfam America, Oxfam Australia, Oxfam Hong Kong, and Oxfam Novib. Without their funding, we could never have developed this multilingual website. Previous donors have included Intermón-Oxfam, Oxfam Canada, and Oxfam Ireland.

Thank you for your support.

Development in Practice is an invaluable resource for those with knowledge gained from experience to relate that knowledge to the various theories, trends, and fashions in development studies and policy - undoubtedly the journal for development practitioners undertaking further studies.’
Helen Hintjens, ISS, The Hague

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