Última actualización:
16 March 07

Ultimo número

Volume 17, Number 1

Gender equality – whose agenda? Observations from Cameroon

Orock, Rogers Tabe Egbe

The political project of gender equality in Africa has gained momentum and made many achievements. However, these have been largely confined to the ‘big’ women working in the public and private bureaucratic contexts in which there is a greater commitment to gender equality. It is argued that in the context of Cameroon, until these ‘bigger’ women renew their commitment to their grassroots sisters, the experience of gender equality among will remain largely unequal. Only strong linkages between white-collar workers and less privileged women will span this chasm.
Keywords: Gender and Diversity; Civil Society; Governance and Public Policy; SSA

Palabras llave: Género y diversidad; Sociedad civil; Gobernabilidad y políticas públicas; Sub-Saharan Africa

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