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Mackintosh, Anne
Anne Mackintosh began working on Oxfam's Central Africa Desk in 1985, and was Oxfam's Regional Representative for Rwanda, Burundi and Kivu (Zaïre) from 1991 to 1994. In 1995 she was awarded an MBE for humanitarian work in Rwanda.
Rwanda: beyond 'ethnic conflict'
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
MacLachlan, Malcolm and Raymond-McKay, Maureen
Malcolm MacLachlan and Maureen Raymond-McKay and are lecturers in psychology.
Critical incidents in emergency relief work
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Mahadevia, Darshini
Darshini Mahadevia teaches postgraduate courses on housing and environment. She was involved in Oxfam GBs Urban Poverty Research Project and coordinated a workshop on Urban Policy in India with its support. She co-authored the Gujarat Human Development Report, 1999 (Draft) and has written extensively on human development and gender and development issues. She is currently working on urban poverty in India.
Sustainable urban development in India: an inclusive perspective
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Mahajan, Sharad, Madhuri Newale, and Pratap Pednekar
Sharad Mahajan is an agricultural engineer and programme coordinator at BAIF. He has organised programmes for wasteland development, soil and water conservation, water resources development, food processing, bio-energy, and sanitation. He has worked on developing microenterprises through encouraging rural and urban marketing networks, and giving training in appropriate technologies. He is interested in comprehensive technology transfer packages for rural areas. Madhuri Newale is a management graduate and joint programme coordinator at BAIF. She is instrumental in developing management information systems (MIS) for integrated rural development programmes. She is interested in appropriate credit-delivery systems and promoting peoples action for sustainable development. Pratap Pednekar is a soil scientist and joint programme coordinator in BAIF. He has developed programmes for agriculture, horticulture, wasteland development, and soil and water conservation. He is interested in appropriate technologies and promoting peoples action for sustainable development
Orchard development sets the tone of tribal development
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Mahajan, Vijay; Fisher, Thomas and Topgyal, Tsering
Vijay Mahajan founded an NGO (PRADAN) in 1983 to promote rural livelihoods. Tsering Topgyal is Chief Planning Officer at the Planning Council of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Thomas Fisher works at New Economics Foundation in London.
Institutional development in practice: a case-study from the Tibetan refugee community
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Maleaevic, Siniaa
Siniaa Maleaevic is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at University College in Galway, where he coordinates the Economic and Cultural Studies Programme. He was previously Research Fellow at the Institute for Development and International Relations in Zagreb and at the Centre for the Study of Nationalism of the Central European University in Prague.
Globalism and nationalism: which one is bad?
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Mallick, Ross
Ross Mallick is a development consultant who has worked with indigenous peoples on microcredit projects. He is the author of Development Policy of a Communist Government: West Bengal Since 1977 (CUP), Indian Communism (OUP), and Development, Ethnicity and Human Rights in South Asia (Sage).
Implementing and evaluating microcredit in Bangladesh
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Mama, Amina
Amina Mama is Chair and Director of the African Gender Institute of the University of Cape Town in South Africa. This article was written while she was the Research Coordinator for ABANTU, of which she is now a Trustee.
Strengthening civil society: participatory action research in a militarised state
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Mambo, Michael; Crawford, David; Mdimi, Zainab; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwambuzi, Anna; Mwiko, Matthias; and Sekasua, Sekiete; with Robinson, Dorcas
Michael Mambo, David Crawford, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, Matthias Mwiko and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Manji, Firoze
Firoze Manji is Director of Oxford Learning Space. Previously, he was Director of Amnesty International's Africa Programme, Chief Executive Officer of the Aga Khan Foundation (United Kingdom), and worked for several years in eastern and southern Africa for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada.
Collaboration with the South: agents of aid or solidarity?
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
The depoliticisation of poverty
Introductory essay in the Reader Development and Rights, published by Oxfam GB in 1998
Mannan, Manzurul
Manzurul Mannan is a Research Anthropologist at the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) in Bangladesh.
Women targeted and women negated: an aspect of the environmental movement in Bangladesh
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Marcuello, Carmen and Marcuello, Chaime
Carmen Marcuello works at the Department of Economics at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, where Chaime Marcuello also works in the Department of Sociology.
Northern words, Southern readings
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Marcuello, Chaime and Marcuello, Carmen
Chaime Marcuello works in the Department of Sociology at the Department of Economics at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, where Carmen Marcuello also works.
Northern words, Southern readings
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Martella, Paolo and Schunk, Javier
Paolo Martella is a researcher and designer in scientific satellites and space applications. At Comunità Impegno Servizio Voluntariato (CISV) in Italy he volunteers as a member of the editorial staff of Volunteer for Development. Javier Schunk was born in Argentina, and coordinates the CISV project office, and works with the Federation of Christian Organisations of International Voluntary Service (FOCSIV), and the International Labour Organisation in training NGO programme managers.
Partnership: a new name in development cooperation
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Martin, Pauline and Alvarez Solís, Francisco
Pauline Martin worked for over 20 years in Latin America and joined Oxfam International in January 2000. Francisco Alvarez Solís is a Salvadorean sociologist now based at Oxfam GB.
The role of Salvadorean NGOs in post-war reconstruction
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
Martinez, Luz Maria
Luz Maria Martinez is based at Isis International-Manila, where she coordinates publications and audio-visual projects.
Recovering the future: grandmothers campaigning for human rights
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Mavrocordatos, Alex
Alex Mavrokordatos is based at the Centre for Development Communications, King Alfred's University College, Winchester, UK.
Development theatre and the process of re-empowerment: The Gibeon story
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Maxwell, Simon
At the time of writing, Simon Maxwell was a Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex. He is now the Director of the Overseas Development in London in the UK.
The use of matrix scoring to identify systemic issues in country-programme evaluation
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
May, Nicky
Nicky May previously worked for Oxfam GB and the Aga Khan Foundation (UK).
Performance and accountability in the New World Order
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Mayoux, Linda
Linda Mayoux is an independent consultant who has researched gender and small-scale industry development in India, Nicaragua, and Africa.
Woman's empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Mbiba, Beacon
Beacon Mbiba is a Commonwealth Research Scholar based in Sheffield in the UK, with interests in land assets and social transformations in Southern Africa, and has written on urban agriculture, urban land, urban governance, and poverty in the region.
Security of tenure, development victims, and the limits of environmental impact assessment in Zimbabwe' s communal lands
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
McClenaghan, Sharon, Stephanie Barrientos, and Liz Orton
Sharon McClenaghan is a Policy Adviser at Christian Aid and works on corporate social responsibility and international labour standards. She has published on gender and employment in export processing zones in the Dominican Republic.
Stakeholder participation, gender, and codes of conduct in South Africa
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Mdimi, Zainab; Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwambuzi, Anna; Mwiko, Matthias and Sekasua, Sekiete with Robinson, Dorcas
Zainab Mdimi, David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, Matthias Mwiko and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Mead, Donald C; Grierson, John P and Moyo, Sam
Donald C. Mead is Professor of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University in the USA. John Grierson previously worked at SKAT in Switzerland and is currently with FTP in Finland. Sam Moyo is Professor of Development Studies at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Zimbabwe.
Business linkages in Zimbabwe: helping to shape `win-win' economic structures
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Mebrahtu, Esther
Esther Mebrahtu has recently completed her PhD at the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Sussex. Her most recent work is INGOs and the Burden of Proof (1999), published by ESCOR at the Department for International Development (DFID).
Perceptions and practices of monitoring and evaluation: international NGO experiences in Ethiopia
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Mejía, Oscar; Hernández, Doris; and Ahern, Patricia
Oscar Mejía was at time of writing General Secretary of the Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC) in Honduras and Doris Hernández was Coordinator of the Literacy Programme. Patricia Ahern was, until 1991, its National Adviser.
A peasant farmers' literacy programme
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Menike Mrs., Karunawathie
Mrs Karunawathie Menike is a peasant leader from north-west Sri Lanka and is Chairperson of the People's Rural Development Association (PRDA).
People' s empowerment from the people's perspective
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Mensah Dr (Sr), Margaret
Sr (Dr) Margaret Mensah has been centrally involved in AIDS education work in Ghana.
Home based care for persons with HIV/AIDS - Agomanya Ghana
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Merali, Isfahan
Isfahan Merali is Director of the International Human Rights Programme at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, where she is also a Human Rights Fellow with a research focus on women's health rights and international human rights law. She was co-chair of the 1998 conference 'Linking the Domestic and the International: Human Rights into the 21st Century' and prior to that litigated human rights cases with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. She is on the Board of Directors of both Human Rights Internet and Action Canada for Population and Development
Advancing women' s reproductive and sexual health rights: using the International Human Rights system
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Metcalf, Elena and Shannon, Sarah
Elena Metcalf is a primary health care provider and a senior editor at the Hesperian Foundation. She has trained dozens of lay health workers and worked on numerous community-based health and development projects in the USA and in Central and South America. Prior to becoming the Executive Director of the Hesperian Foundation, Sarah Shannon spent 15 years in Central America working in public health, health education, and popular management training. In 1994, she was awarded UNHCR' s prestigious Asturias Prize for her training and technical assistance to repatriated refugee women in El Salvador.
Prescription for underdevelopment
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Meyer, Marion and Singh, Naresh
Marion N. Meyer and Naresh C. Singh work at International Institute for Sustainable Development in Canada
Two approaches to evaluating the outcomes of development projects
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Middlebrook, Peter; Cherrett, Ian; O'Keefe, Phil and Heidenreich, Ann;
Ian Cherrett is a development consultant with ETC (UK). Phil O'Keefe is Reader in Environmental Management at the University of Northumbria. Anne Heidenreich is an environmental activist and Editor of Climate Change in Africa. Peter Middlebrook is a researcher at ETC (UK).
Redefining the roles of environmental NGOs in Africa
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Mishra, Rajeshwar and Frank van Steenbergen
Both authors have been working since 1995 as team leader and coordinator for the North Bengal Terai Development Project. Rajeshwar Mishra is the chairperson of the Centre for Development of Human Initiatives. Frank van Steenbergen is a consultant with Arcadis Euroconsult.
A trail-finding project: lessons in project design
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Mitchell, Maurice
Maurice Mitchell is a partner of Dwyer Mitchell Architects, and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Interior Design at the University of North London in the UK
Community involvement in constructing village health buildings in Uganda and Sierra Leone
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Mitchell, Suzette
Suzette Mitchell is an Adviser on Gender and Development at the Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA).
Gender and development: a SAFE recipe
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Mitlin, Diana
Diana Mitlin is an economist with a special interest in urban development and urban poverty. She is a research associate at IIED, currently coordinating a research project on innovative government housing programmes for low-income households in Brazil, India, Mexico, the Philippines, and Thailand, and providing the secretariat for the Habitat International Coalition's working group on housing finance and resource mobilisation.
Addressing urban poverty: increasing incomes, reducing costs, and securing representation
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Mkilya, Harriet; Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mdimi, Zainab; Mwambuzi, Anna; Mwiko, Matthias and Sekasua, Sekiete with Robinson, Dorcas
Harriet Mkilya, David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Anna Mwanbuziu, Matthias Mwiko and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Moll, Henk A. J.
Henk A. J. Moll is a senior lecturer at Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands.
How to pre-evaluate credit projects in 10 minutes
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Montenegro, María Martha; Sandiford, Peter; Lankshear, Colin; Sánchez, Germana and Cassel, Jeffrey
Maria Martha Montenegro is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua. Peter Sandiford is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Systems Development at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Colin Lankshear is Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education and Director of the Literacy Studies in Education Research Programme at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Germana Sánchez is a Medical Anthropologist at the Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud. Jeffrey Cassel is a Consultant Sociologist at the Instituto Centroamericano de la Salud in Managua, Nicaragua.
The Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade: How lasting were its benefits?
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Moore, Mick and Stewart, Sheelagh
Mick Moore is a Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, and works on the political and institutional dimensions of development policy and practice. Sheelagh Stewart was a co-founder of the Musasa Project, dedicated to changing public and police responses to ' domestic violence' in Harare, Zimbabwe. She has since completed research at IDS on the effect of foreign funding on indigenous NGOs in Nepal and Zimbabwe.
Corporate Governance for NGOs?
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Moro, Hideki
Hideki Moro is an independent researcher with an interest in development education.
Ambivalent messages: organisational purposes of NGOs and images of the South
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Moseley-Williams, Richard
Richard Moseley-Williams worked for 15 years at Oxfam GB and then at ActionAid in London before becoming a freelance consultant based in the Dominican Republic.
Partners and Beneficiaries: Questioning Donors
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Moser, Caroline and Sollis, Peter
At the time of writing Caroline Moser was a lecturer in Social Planning at the London School of Economics, and Peter Sollis worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC. He previously worked in the Latin America and Caribbean department of Oxfam GB.
Did the project fail? A community perspective on a participatory primary health care project in Ecuador
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Motteux, Nicole; Binns, Tony; Nel, Etienne and Rowntree, Kate
Nicole Motteux is a research student at Rhodes University in South Africa with a special interest in community and participation. Tony Binns is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK. Etienne Nel is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Rhodes University with research interests in community and local development issues. Kate Rowntree is Associate Professor of Geography at Rhodes University with an interest in fluvial geomorphology and catchment management.
Empowerment for development: taking participatory appraisal further in rural South Africa
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Movimento de Organizaçao Comunitária
Movimento de Organizaçao Comunitária is based in the state of Bahia in Brazil.
On being evaluated: tensions and hopes
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Muffee, Visemih William
Visemih William Muffee lectures at the Department of Economics and Management in the University of Buea.
The impact of reforms and development on the traditional values of the Cameroon Grassfields
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Mukhopadyay, Maitrayee
Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay works at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and previously worked at Oxfam GB.
Some thoughts on gender and culture
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Muller, Maria and Rijnsburger, Jaap
Maria S. Muller and Jaap Rijnsburger work for WASTE Consultants in The Netherlands.
Pit latrines and participation: the MAPET Project in Dar es Salaam
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Mulvany, Patrick
Patrick Mulvany is Food Security Policy Adviser for Intermediate Technology Development Group in the UK.
Beyond the World Food Summit
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Murillo, Fernando
Fernando Murillo is an architect. He completed his Masters in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Buenos Aires and is involved in capacity building projects in the field of urban planning in the Gaza Strip and the Bethlehem region. From 1997 to 1999, through the United Nations White Helmets Initiative, he provided technical support to the municipality of Kigali (Rwanda) in the field of housing and social reintegration. In 1998 he was a UNDP adviser and trainer in formulating and evaluating housing projects in Nicaragua. He is currently Research Project Director in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires and is also studying at the Institute for Housing and Development Studies, based in Rotterdam.
Private-public partnership, the compact city, and social housing:best practice for whom?
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Murphy, Brian K.
Brian Murphy has since 1979 worked for Inter Pares, an independent Canadian international social justice organisation, both in the field and at its headquarters in Ottawa. His present duties focus on policy development and programme support for 'Inter Pares' work in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Canada.
International NGOs and the challenge of modernity
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Murthy, Ranjani K
Ranjani K. Murthy is a consultant on gender and development, focusing on poverty, environment, and human rights concerns. Her professional interest is to mainstream gender within development organisations; and her personal struggle is to put this into practice in her own life.
Power, institutions and gender relations: can gender training alter the equations?
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Musiime, Jimmy; Thomas Raussen, and Geoffrey Ebong
Jimmy Musiime serves as chairperson of Bubare Subcounty in Kabale District of Uganda. He is a teacher trainer and is currently a part-time lecturer in environmental education at National Teachers College, Kabale. His main interest is working with rural people to improve their living conditions. For full author details see Raussen.
More effective natural resource management through democratically elected, decentralised government structures in Uganda
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Musyoki, Samuel
Samuel Musyoki is based at the Participation Group at the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) at Sussex, where he works with IDS partners and networks to deepen understanding of participatory approaches and to strengthen the quality of participatory practice. He is involved in promoting South-South exchanges, critical reflection and learning, and documentation and communication. He has extensive experience in the use of participatory approaches and has worked in bilateral aid programmes and with international and local NGOs in various parts of Africa. He holds an MA in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Netherlands, and a degree in anthropology from the University of Nairobi.
Can bilateral programmes become learning organisations? Experiences from institutionalising participation in Keiyo Marakwet in Kenya
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Mutambirwa, Jane; Patel, Vikramand and Nhiwatiwa Sekai
Dr Jane Mutambirwa is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Anthropology and Behavioural Sciences in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Sekai Nhiwatiwa is a trainee psychiatrist in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School.
Stressed, depressed, or bewitched? A perspective on mental health, culture, and religion
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Mwambuzi, Anna; Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mdimi, Zainab; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwiko, Matthias and Sekasua, Sekiete with Robinson, Dorcas
Matthias Mwiko, David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Mwiko, Matthias; Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mdimi, Zainab; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwambuzi, Anna and Sekasua, Sekiete with Robinson, Dorcas
Matthias Mwiko, David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Nagel, Stuart S
Stuart S Nagel is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Coordinator of Policy Studies Organisation at the Dirksen-Stevenson Institute and MKM Research Center.
Poor getting richer and the rich--poor gap getting smaller?
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Nakayama Mikiyasu and Ryo Fujikura,
Mikiyasu Nakayama is Professor at the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. His research interests are in the field of impact assessments and management of international water systems. Ryo Fujikura is Professor at Ritsumeikan University. His research interests are in the field of environmental systems and policy science.
Post-hoc review of involuntary resettlement issues in two power generation projects
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Nanavaty, Reema
Reema Nanavaty works at the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) Opp. Lok Manya Tilak Baug, Bhadra, Ahmedabad - 380 001, India.
Feminise our forests: consultation on the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Narayanasamy, N; Boraian, P and Ramesh R.
At the time of writing the authors were members of the Participatory Rural Appraisal Project (PRA) Team of the Ghandigram rural Institute, Tamil Nadu, India.
PRA in the shade of the mango groves
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Participatory rural appraisal for a vibrant co-operative sector
(written with B R Dwaraki, for author details see Dwaraki )
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Neefjes, Koos
Koos Neefjes worked for Oxfam GB from 1992 - 2000 as Adviser on Environment and Development.
The Gene Traders: Security or profit in food production?
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Nel, Etienne; Binns, Tony; Motteux, Nicole and Rowntree, Kate
Etienne Nel is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Rhodes University with research interests in community and local development issues. Tony Binns is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK. Nicole Motteux is a research student at Rhodes University in South Africa with a special interest in community and participation. Kate Rowntree is Associate Professor of Geography at Rhodes University with an interest in fluvial geomorphology and catchment management.
Empowerment for development: taking participatory appraisal further in rural South Africa
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Nelson, Paul
Paul Nelson is Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh. Before assuming this post he worked for 15 years as policy analyst for several US-based NGOs.
Heroism and ambiguity: NGO advocacy in international policy
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Neumayer, Eric
Eric Neumayer lectures in environment and development at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Developing countries in the WTO: support or resist the 'millennium' round?
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Newale, Madhuri, Sharad Mahajan and Pratap Pednekar
Madhuri Newale is a management graduate and joint programme coordinator at BAIF. She is instrumental in developing management information systems (MIS) for integrated rural development programmes. She is interested in appropriate credit-delivery systems and promoting peoples action for sustainable development. Sharad Mahajan is an agricultural engineer and programme coordinator at BAIF. He has organised programmes for wasteland development, soil and water conservation, water resources development, food processing, bio-energy, and sanitation. He has worked on developing microenterprises through encouraging rural and urban marketing networks, and giving training in appropriate technologies. He is interested in comprehensive technology transfer packages for rural areas. Pratap Pednekar is a soil scientist and joint programme coordinator in BAIF. He has developed programmes for agriculture, horticulture, wasteland development, and soil and water conservation. He is interested in appropriate technologies and promoting peoples action for sustainable development
Orchard development sets the tone of tribal development
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Ngidang, Dimbab
Dimbab Ngidang is head of the Planning and Management Programme in the Faculty of Social Science at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in Malaysia.
The politics of development in longhouse communities in Sarawak, East Malaysia
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Ngunjiri, Eliud
Eliud Ngunjiri works as a rural development specialist in Kenya.
Participatory methodologies: double-edged swords
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Nhantumbo, Isilda and Bart Pijnenburg
Isilda Nhantumbo is Professor in Natural Resource Economics in the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. Bart Pijnenburg worked for 10 years in Southern Africa, both as a development worker and as a researcher and teacher, and is currently studying at the University of Wageningen.
Participatory development interventions in Mozambique
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Nhiwatiwa Sekai; Patel, Vikram and Mutambirwa, Jane
Dr Sekai Nhiwatiwa is a trainee psychiatrist in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Jane Mutambirwa is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Anthropology and Behavioural Sciences in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School.
Stressed, depressed, or bewitched? A perspective on mental health, culture, and religion
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Niang, Amadou; Qureish Noordin, Bashir Jama, and Mary Nyasimi
All authors in this team work for ICRAF, and work or have worked in western Kenya with their participatory research emanating from there. Amadou Niang, a forester, is now the ICRAF regional coordinator for the Sahel, where he works to develop methods to catalyse widescale adoption of agroforestry-based innovations. For full author details see Noordin.
Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Nicholls, Lilly
Lilly Nicholls works at CIDA in Canada and previously worked for the UN in Latin America and in New York.
Birds of a feather? UNDP and ActionAid implementation of Sustainable Human Development
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Nickson, Patricia and Diskett, Patricia
Patricia Nickson worked as a Health Adviser to the Christian Medical commission in Geneva followed by a post as Lecturer at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Patricia Diskett worked as a Health Adviser for Oxfam during the 1980s prior to a post as Research Fellow at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Financing primary health care: an NGO perspective:
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Noordin, Qureish; Amadou Niang, Bashir Jama, and Mary Nyasimi
All authors in this team work for ICRAF, and work or have worked in western Kenya with their participatory research emanating from there. Qureish Noordin and Mary Nyasimi are based at the research station in Maseno, where Noordin is a development facilitator, responsible for catalysing the dissemination of agroforestry technologies and involved in community-based extension systems and scaling-up strategies, while Nyasimi is a field technician at the station. Amadou Niang, a forester, is now the ICRAF regional coordinator for the Sahel, where he works to develop methods to catalyse widescale adoption of agroforestry-based innovations. Bashir Jama, the corresponding author, is a soil scientist who works on soil fertility and nutrient recycling. He was ICRAFs lead scientist in western Kenya and the ICRAF contact for the Soil Fertility Initiative for Africa. He is now the regional coordinator for eastern and central Africa for ICRAF.
Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Nwangwu, Rosemary E
Rosemary Nwangwu teaches Community Development at the University of Lagos. Contact details: Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos in Nigeria.
Slum dwellers' diagnosis of their own needs: implications for community development in Nigeria
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Nyamugasira, W
Warren Nyamugasira was at time of writing with World Vision in Uganda.
NGOs and income-generation projects: some further thoughts
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Structural Adjustment, Land Reform, and Disenfranchisement in Uganda
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
NGOs and advocacy: how well are the poor represented?
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Nyasimi Mary; Qureish Noordin, Amadou Niang, and Bashir Jama
All authors in this team work for ICRAF, and work or have worked in western Kenya with their participatory research emanating from there. Mary Nyasimi is based at the research station in Maseno. For full author details see Noordin.
Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Nyerere, Julius K
Julius Nyerere, the former president of Tanzania, was until his death in 1999 Chairman of the South Centre, a permanent intergovernmental organisation of developing countries that promotes South-South cooperation and coordinated Southern participation in international forums.
Are universal social standards possible?
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Ochola, Lynette
Lynette Ochola worked for Oxfam GB in Kenya.
Eviction and homelessness: the impact on African children
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Ogoye-Ndegwa, Charles, Domnic Abudho, and Jens Aagaard-Hansen
Charles Ogoye-Ndegwa is a social scientist with an MA in Anthropology from the University of Nairobi. He is currently conducting fieldwork for his PhD on food security within the Kenyan-Danish Health Research Project (KEDAHR). Domnic Abudho is a teacher in Nyang’oma Educational Division (Bondo District, Kenya) with a particular interest in agriculture. For the first three years he was part of the project and participated in all aspects of the process. Dr Jens Aagaard-Hansen is a social anthropologist and a medical doctor. Based at the Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory for the past eight years, the main focus of his work has been on applied medical anthropology in interdisciplinary settings.
‘New learning in old organisations’: children’s participation in a school-based nutrition project in western Kenya
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Omar, Mayeh Abu and Omar, Maymuna Muhiadin
Mayeh A. Omar holds degrees in health management, planning and policy. Formerly Director of the Planning and Coordination and International Relations Departments of the Somali Ministry of Health, he is currently is a teaching fellow at the Nuffield Institute for Health. Maymuna Muhiadin Omar is a medical doctor and public health specialist who has studied in Somalia, Sweden, and Italy.
Health for All by the Year 2000: what about the nomads?
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Empowerment at village level through a workshop method
(written with Ehsan Ullah Tareen, for author details see Tareen)
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Omar, Maymuna Muhiadin and Omar, Mayeh Abu
Maymuna Muhiadin Omar is a medical doctor and public health specialist who has studied in Somalia, Sweden, and Italy.
Mayeh A. Omar holds degrees in health management, planning and policy. Formerly Director of the Planning and Coordination and International Relations Departments of the Somali Ministry of Health, he is currently is a teaching fellow at the Nuffield Institute for Health.
Health for All by the Year 2000: what about the nomads?
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Onugu, Charles Uchenna
Charles Uchenna Onugu heads the training department of the Benin Zone of the National Board for Community Banks in Nigeria.
The development role of community banks in rural Nigeria
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Onyach-Olaa, Martin and Porter, Doug
Martin Onyach-Olaa is coordinator of the Programme Management Unit, Decentralisation Secretariat at the Ministry of Local Government in Uganda. Doug Porter was at time of writing Regional Technical Adviser to the UN Capital Development Fund, working with decentralised governance programmes in east and southern Africa.
Inclusive planning and allocation for rural services
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Orton, Liz, Stephanie Barrientos and Sharon McClenaghan
Liz Orton works at Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO). Her publications include The Global Supermarket (1996) and Change at the Checkout: Supermarkets and Ethical Business (1997), both published by Christian A
Stakeholder participation, gender, and codes of conduct in South Africa
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
O'Keefe, Phil; Cherrett, Ian; Heidenreich, Anne and Middlebrook, Peter
Phil O'Keefe is Reader in Environmental Management at the University of Northumbria. Ian Cherrett is a development consultant with ETC (UK). Anne Heidenreich is an environmental activist and Editor of Climate Change in Africa. Peter Middlebrook is a researcher at ETC (UK).
Redefining the roles of environmental NGOs in Africa
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
O'Reilly, Caroline
Caroline O'Reilly is a socio-economist in the Social Sciences Department of the UK Natural Resources Institute.
Urban women's informal savings and credit systems in Zambia
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
O'Toole Dr, Brian
Dr Brian O'Toole is the Director of a Community-Based Rehabilitation Programme in Guyana. Geraldine Maison-Halls is a physiotherapist who trained in Britain and Denmark and also qualified as a Health Sciences Educator at the University of Guyana.
Community- Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Development: Disabled Children in Guyana
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Ottaway, Marina
Marina Ottaway teaches African Studies at Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA.
Development Without a Peasantry: A Forgotten Aspect of the Land Issue in South Africa
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Ottolini, Cesare
Cesare Ottolini is the European representative of Habitat International Coalition (HIC), a founder member of the European charter for Housing Rights and the Fight Against Exclusion (a network of homeless, tenants, social housing managers, researchers, and related institutions), and is also the president of the Unione Inquilini (tenants' union), one of Italy's most prominent associations of teneants and homeless people. He has published widely in the fields of urban studies and housing rights.
Residents' associations and information communication technologies: a suggested approach to international action-research
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Padaki, Vijay
Vijay Padaki has been a management researcher, trainer, and consultant in various institutional settings for over 30 years. His specialised interests are in organisation and institutional development, and in partnership management.
Coming to grips with organisational values
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Making the organisation learn: demystification and management action
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Pal, Mariam
Mariam S. Pal is an Economist (Social Sector) in the Programs West Department of the Asian Development Bank and with experience as a consulting economist in countries including Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Burkina Faso, and the Congo.
Taking sustainability from policy to practice: bringing poverty concerns into the project cycle
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Paling, Denis
Dennis Paling is affiliated to the Refugee Study Centre at the University of Oxford.
Development-induced forced migration: a practical example
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Panayiotopoulos, Prodromos
Prodromos Panayiotopoulos (aka Mike Pany) teaches Development Studies at the University of Wales, Swansea and is the author and co-author of a number of articles on employment, small enterprises, and development. Forthcoming publications include World Development, published by Pluto Press, June 2001.
Anthropology consultancy in the UK and community development in the Third World: a difficult dialogue
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Paquette, Stefan and Webb, Douglas
Stefan Paquette is programme manager for Project Concern International in Lusaka. Douglas Webb is a freelance consultant working with Save the Children UK on designing and evaluating programmes to address HIV/AIDS. His research focuses on HIV epidemiology and the impacts of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. He has also worked with UNICEF in Zambia and Mozambique and with SAfAIDS.
The potential role of food aid in mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS: the case of Zambia
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Patel, Vikram; Mutambirwa, Jane and Nhiwatiwa Sekai
Dr Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Jane Mutambirwa is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Anthropology and Behavioural Sciences in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School. Dr Sekai Nhiwatiwa is a trainee psychiatrist in the University of Zimbabwe Medical School.
Stressed, depressed, or bewitched? A perspective on mental health, culture, and religion
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Payne, Geoffrey
Geoffrey Payne is a housing and urban development consultant, and is a specialist on urban land tenure and property rights in developing countries. He is principal of Geoffrey Payne and Associates, which was established in 1995 and has undertaken consultancy, training, and research assignments in most parts of the world. He is currently directing two major international research projects; first, on innovative approaches to secure tenure for the urban poor and second, on regulatory guidelines for affordable shelter. He is an External Associate Adviser to the British Council on built environment subjects and a member of the editorial boards of various journals.
Lowering the ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Payne, Katrina
Katrina Payne works with HelpAge International.
Working with Elderly People in the Community
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Payne, Lina and Smyth, Ines
Lina Payne is a Social Development Adviser for the Department for International Development (DFID) in Bangladesh. Previously she worked for Oxfam GB and carried out social research on its Imvepi programme in Uganda between 1996-98. Ines Smyth works for Oxfam GB.
The need for reliable systems: gendered work in Oxfam's Uganda programme
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Pearce, Jenny
Jenny Pearce is Professor of Latin American Politics at the University of Bradford, UK.
NGOs and social change: agents or facilitators?
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Sustainable peace-building in the South: experiences from Latin America
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Development, NGOs and civil society: the debate and its future
preface in the Reader, Development, NGOs and Civil Society published by Oxfam in 2000
Pearson, Ruth and Lewis, Vivienne
Ruth Pearson was at time of writing Senior Lecturer at the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK, where Vivienne Lewis was a Research Associate.
NGOs and Cuba: opportunity or opportunism?
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Pednekar, Pratap, Sharad Mahajan and Madhuri Newale
Pratap Pednekar is a soil scientist and joint programme coordinator in BAIF. He has developed programmes for agriculture, horticulture, wasteland development, and soil and water conservation. He is interested in appropriate technologies and promoting peoples action for sustainable development. Sharad Mahajan is an agricultural engineer and programme coordinator at BAIF. He has organised programmes for wasteland development, soil and water conservation, water resources development, food processing, bio-energy, and sanitation. He has worked on developing microenterprises through encouraging rural and urban marketing networks, and giving training in appropriate technologies. He is interested in comprehensive technology transfer packages for rural areas. Madhuri Newale is a management graduate and joint programme coordinator at BAIF. She is instrumental in developing management information systems (MIS) for integrated rural development programmes. She is interested in appropriate credit-delivery systems and promoting peoples action for sustainable development.
Orchard development sets the tone of tribal development
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Pepperall, Jane and Harpham, Trudy
Jane Pepperall is the Pakistan-based Programme Manager for Health and Population of the ODA (now DFID). She was previously attached to the Urban Health Management Project at the Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Lesotho. Trudy Harpham heads the Urban Health Programme in the Department of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK.
Decentralising urban health activities in developing countries
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Pettit, Jethro
Jethro Pettit works at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK, as a member of the Participation Group. Previously he served with World Neighbors, an international NGO, as team leader for international programmes and later as director of communication. He has worked with urban community development, social justice, environment and peace movements in the US and UK.
Conference Report: Making Change Happen: Advocacy and Citizen Participation, 28-30 November 2001, Washington DC
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Pieterse, Edgar
Edgar Pieterse studied in The Netherlands and works in South Africa.
South African NGOS and the trials of transition
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Pijnenburg, Bart and Isilda Nhantumbo
Bart Pijnenburg worked for 10 years in Southern Africa, both as a development worker and as a researcher and teacher, and is currently studying at the University of Wageningen. Isilda Nhantumbo is Professor in Natural Resource Economics in the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo.
Participatory development interventions in Mozambique
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Pinder, Richard
Richard Pinder works on voluntary and community sector involvement in community care in Sheffield in the UK, with a particular interest in joint working with statutory agencies, and on local (inner city) re-generation issues.
Whose terms? Observations on ' development management' in an English city
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Plowman, Penny
Penny Plowman is a development consultant to NGOs and international agencies in the field of gender and development and works as a trainer and facilitator in linking gender awareness and organisational change processes.
Organisational change from two perspectives: gender and organisational development
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Poole, Nigel
Nigel Poole worked in Paraguay from 1980 to 1991 and then taught at Wye College, University of London, UK.
The NGO sector as an alternative delivery system for agricultural public services
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Porter, Doug and Onyach-Olaa, Martin
Doug Porter was at time of writing Regional Technical Adviser to the UN Capital Development Fund, working with decentralised governance programmes in east and southern Africa. Martin Onyach-Olaa is coordinator of the Programme Management Unit, Decentralisation Secretariat at the Ministry of Local Government in Uganda.
Inclusive planning and allocation for rural services
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Framing participation: development projects, professionals, and organisations
(written with David Craig, for author details see Craig)
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Porter, Fenella
Fenella Porter is a gender and development specialist, she worked for several years in Uganda and is currently on a joint study programme at The Open University and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO).
Social exclusion: what' s in a name?
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Women' s Worlds ' 99
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Postma, William
William Postma is the Bangladesh Country Director of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC).
Capacity-building: the making of a curry
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Poudel, Meena and Shrestha, Anita
Meena Poudel and Anita Shrestha work on women's reproductive rights at WATCH in Nepal. .
Dealing with Hidden Issues: Trafficked Women in Nepal
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Powell, Mike
Mike Powell is an independent development and management consultant, and author of Information Management for Development Organisations (Oxfam 1999).
Culture: intervention or solidarity?
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Europe and the South in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges for Renewed Cooperation
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Power, Grant, Matthew Maury, and Susan Maury
Grant Power has eight years’ experience working in non-profit organisations involved in inner-city community development in the USA and recently completed a two-year term of service with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in the Philippines. He now works as an organisational consultant for international NGOs involved in community-based, sustainable development.
Matthew Maury is the Director of Community Development for American Leprosy Missions, an INGO supporting work in 20 countries worldwide. From 1991 to 1999 he worked in several African countries with Habitat for Humanity International. Susan Maury works for Habitat for Humanity International as Director of Organisational Development in the Africa and Middle East Region. Over the past ten years she has worked at the community, national, and regional level, helping development NGOs transform into learning organisations.
Operationalising bottom-up learning in international NGOs: barriers and alternatives
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Prakash, Madhu Suri and Esteva, Gustavo
Madhu Suri Prakash is a full professor of education at the Pennsylvania State University in the USA. Gustavo Esteva is a grassroots activist, journalist and author, and former adviser to the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) in Mexico.
Beyond development, what?
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Pratt, Brian
Brian Pratt is Director of INTRAC, based in Oxford, UK.
Evaluating Social Development
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Prendergast, H D V; Smith, R D; Linington, S and Newman, M F
The authors are based at Royal Botanic Gardens in the UK.
Seeds for use and conservation: The role of the Seed Bank of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Prentki, Tim
Tim Prentki is Principal Lecturer in Drama at King Alfred's College, Winchester, UK.
Must the show go on? the case for Theatre For Development
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Prinsen, Gerard and Mompati, Tlamelo
At time of writing, Gerard Prinsen was Training Coordinator for Extension Workers in the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning in Gaborone, Botswana. Tlamelo Mompati studied in Canada and lectures at the University of Botswana in the Department of Social Work. In addition to teaching on social policy and administration, culture, and social work in Botswana, his research interests include disability issues, culture, ethnic minorities, and participatory methods.
Ethnicity and participatory development methods in Botswana: some participants are to be seen and not heard
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Purcell, Mary and Heredia, Carlos
Mary Purcell and Carlos Heredia worked at the time of writing with Equipo Pueblo, a Mexican NGO involved in policy analysis and related lobbying.
The wrong path: the World Bank's Country Assistance Strategy for Mexico
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Pushpanath, K
K. Pushpanath has worked in India, southern Africa, and Vietnam for various NGOs including Oxfam GB..
Disaster without memory: Oxfam's drought programme in Zambia
Volume 4, number 2, 1994