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Author details were correct at the time of original publication.
Abbott, Gerry
Gerry Abbott is an Honorary Fellow in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manchester. After a career devoted to the teaching of English in Third World schools, he now studies the possible adverse effects of such teaching upon the welfare of impoverished societies. Believing that folk literature has an important place in cultural support activities, he is currently co-producing a volume of Burmese folk tales.
Languages in lifelong education for Third World development
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Abell, Hilary
Hilary Abell works at the Hesperian Foundation in California, a non-profit publisher of popular health manuals, including Where There is No Doctor.
Endangering women's health for profit: health and safety in Mexico's maquiladoras
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Dr Acho-Chi lectures in Geography at the University of Buea, Cameroon. His work and interests are in applied geography and development, and his current research concerns the management of environmental resources.
Sustainable self-help development efforts in the Cameroon grassfields
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Adamson, Mike and Dan, Sanger
Mike Adamson is Head of the International Development Department at the headquarters of the British Red Cross Society. Dan Sanger was a Water and Sanitation Engineer and was based in Lesotho in 1994 and 1995 with the Lesotho Red Cross.
When relief and development programmes meet: a case-study from the Lesotho Red Cross
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Afshar, Helen
Professor Haleh Afshar teaches politics and women's studies at the University of York and has written widely on subjects relating to feminism, Islam, and development. She is also Convenor of the Development Studies Association (DSA) Study Group on Women and Development.
Gendering the millennium: globalising women
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Ager, Alastair
Alastair Ager is Professor of Applied Psychology at the Department of Management and Social Sciences, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, UK.
Tensions in the psychosocial discourse: implications for the planning of interventions with war-affected populations
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
The community re-integration of Romanian orphanage graduates
(written with Claire Fyvie, for author details see Fyvie)
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Agerbak, Linda
Linda Agerbak worked in South East Asia for several years before undertaking a consultancy for Oxfam GB, on which this paper is based.
Breaking the cycle of violence: doing development in situations of conflict
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
Aguilar, Lourdes
Lourdes Aguilar has worked with NGOs and popular organisations throughout Mexico and Central America and currently lectures at the National Autonomous University of Honduras.
Letter from Honduras, 5 November 1998
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Ahern, Patricia; Mejía, Oscar and Hernández, Doris
Patricia Ahern was, until 1991, National Advisor of the Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC) in Honduras, Oscar Mejía was at time of writing its General Secretary and Doris Hernández was Coordinator of the Literacy Programme.
A peasant farmers' literacy programme
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Ahmad, Mokbul Morshed
Morshed Ahmad is Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
Who cares? the personal and professional problems of NGO fieldworkers in Bangladesh
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Ahmed, Khan Niaz
Niaz Ahmed Khan is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, with a research background in community forestry and administrative behaviour in South Asia.
Access to graduate education in Bangladesh
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Ahmed, Sara
Sara Ahmed teaches courses in rural development, environmental management, and gender issues in development at IRMA. Her current research focuses on the analysis of institutions, policies, and gendered outcomes in water management in Gujarat in the context of state-civil society relations.
Gender in the Rural Environment
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Engendering organisational practice in NGOs: the case of Utthan
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Alberto, Francisco Tunga
Francisco Tunga Alberto is the Secretary-General of the Forum of Angolan NGOs (FONGA).
Physical, psychological, and political displacement in Angola and Mozambique
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Allen, Adriana
Adriana Allen is an urban development planner specialising in environmental planning and management and political ecology studies. She is the Director of the Environmental Planning and Management Programme at the Development Planning Unit at University College London, and a Visiting Professor at several universities in Latin America. She has been a trainer, researcher, and consultant to various organisations, including the Department for International Development (DFID) in the UK and the European Commission (EC), and has extensive experience in Latin America.
Urban sustainability under threat: the restructuring of the fishing industry in Mar del Plata, Argentina
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Almond, Mel
Melvyn Almond worked for Oxfam in Sudan until his death in 1989.
Pastoral development and the use of para-vets in southern Sudan.
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Alonso, José Antonio
José Antonio Alonso is Professor of Applied Economics at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid.
Globalisation, civil society, and the multilateral system
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Alvarez Solís, Francisco and Martin, Pauline
Francisco Alvarez Solís is a Salvadorean sociologist now based at Oxfam GB. Pauline Martin worked for over 20 years in Latin America and joined Oxfam International in January 2000.
The role of Salvadorean NGOs in post-war reconstruction
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
Anacleti, Odhiambo
Odhiambo Anacleti worked until his retirement for Oxfam GB, prior to which he was based in the government of Tanzania.
Research into local culture: implications for participatory development
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
The mills that were wanted but not required -- and another story
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Anderson, Ian
Ian Anderson trained as a chartered accountant and currently works in international structured finance. He was Chair of Oxfam Hong Kong (1987-97) and continues to serve as Vice Chair. He was also a founding trustee board member of Oxfam International (OI), of which he is now Chair.
Northern NGO advocacy: perceptions, reality, and the challenge
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Anderson, Mary B
Mary B. Anderson is President of The Collaborative for Development Action Inc., a small consulting firm working in economic and social development. She is also Director of the Local Capacities for Peace Project and Co-Director of the Reflecting on Peace in Practice Project.
Aid: a mixed blessing
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Understanding difference and building solidarity: a challenge to development initiatives
Introductory essay in the Reader, Development and Social Diversity, published by Oxfam GB in 1996 and also available in Spanish
Anyonge, T. M; Christine Holding, K. K. Kareko, and J. W. Kimani
T. M. Anyonge, as Natural Resources Programme Officer at the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi, is responsible for all Swedish support to natural resources programming in Kenya. He was an instrumental partner in the final design and implementation strategies of NALEP. Christine Holding is an ICRAF Research Fellow. With 17 years experience in designing and implementing agroforestry extension programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, she was technical coordinator of the Nakuru and Nyandarua Intensified Forestry Extension Project and is currently undertaking research in timber marketing from small-scale farms in Kenya. K. K. Kareko is Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the Forestry Extension Services Branch, Forestry Department, Nairobi. He was key in developing participatory aspects of the Nakuru and Nyandarua Intensified Forestry Extension Project. J. W. Kimani isAgroforestry Coordinator. Soil and Water Conservation Branch, Minstry of Agriculture. Formerly a district and provincial soil conservation officer, he worked in the Nakuru and Nyandarua Intensified Forestry Extension Project and is now a member of the Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring Committee of NALEP.
Scaling up participatory agroforestry extension in Kenya: from pilot projects to extension policy
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Appleford, Gabrielle
Gabrielle Appleford is a Technical Adviser for the Research and Conservation Foundation in Papua New Guinea where her work involves supporting organisational and project management structures and systems, including gender policy issues.
Women' s groups for whom? The colonisation of women' s groups in Papua New Guinea
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Archer, David and Cottingham, Sara
David Archer and Sara Cottingham work at ACTIONAID in London, UK.
REFLECT: A new approach to literacy and social change
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Armstrong, Victoria
Victoria Armstrong is the Honorary Treasurer of the Nilgiris Adivasi Welfare Association (NAWA) in Tamil Nadu, India.
A tribal welfare project in Tamil Nadu
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Asare, Benjamin
Benjamin Asare is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Indiana University Southeast. He has a research interest in African agriculture and how it relates to demographic variables.
Local involvement in rural development: the Tono Irrigation Scheme in Ghana
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Ashley, Caroline
Caroline Ashley is a socio-economist in the Stoves and Household Energy Programme of the Intermediate Technology Development Group in the UK.
Wood-burning stoves in Kenya: sale or subsidy?
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Atkinson, Adrian
Adrian Atkinson is associated with the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London, where he developed courses in urban environment over many years. Currently, he acts as a consultant tovarious aid agencies, with a focus on SE Asia. His main preoccupation is with the growing divergence in views as to the goals of development and the inadequacy of current development practice to address even the most obvious social and environmental problems.
International cooperation in pursuit of sustainable cities
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Audefroy, Joël
Joël Audefroy is an architect and anthropologist and is part of Habitat International Coalition.
Public policies and community practices
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Aune, Jens B
Jens Aune is a researcher at the Centre for International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric) at the Agricultural University of Norway. His main research interest is in natural resource management in dryland agriculture. He has taken part in many project evaluations and conducted workshops for NGOs on project management, on which this paper is based.
Logical Framework Approach and PRA - mutually exclusive or complementary tools for project planning?
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Ausmus, Willam A; Domatob, Jerry Komia, and Butler, John M.
William Ausmus, Jerry Komia Domatob, and John Butler teach at the Communication Studies Department, University of Northern Iowa, USA.
New communication technologies in tropical African development
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Ayala, Alejandro; Jeremy Haggar, Blanca Díaz, and Carlos Uc Reyes
Alejandro Ayala is working with Campo Experimental Zona Henequenera, INIFAP, Mococha in the State of Yucatán, Mexico. For full author details see Haggar.
Participatory design of agroforestry systems: developing farmer participatory research methods in Mexico
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Babar, Mumtaz
Babar Mumtaz teaches at the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College, London, UK.
Training for urban development
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Badal, Shamsul Huda; Schuler, Sidney Ruth and Hashemi, Syed M
Shamsul Huda Badal is a researcher affiliated with the Development Research Centre in Bangladesh. Sidney Ruth Schuler is a social anthropologist researching at the time of writing, relationships between changing reproductive norms and changing gender relations in developing countries. Syed M. Hashemi is Professor of Economics at Jahangirnagar University, in Bangladesh.
Men's violence against women in rural Bangladesh: undermined or exacerbated by microcredit programmes?
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Bailey, Michael
Michael Bailey has worked for over 20 years on development programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), Christian Aid, and Oxfam GB. From 1992-98, he was Oxfam's Country Representative for Brazil. He is now a Policy Adviser at Oxfam GB in the UK.
Fundraising in Brazil: the major implications for civil society organisations and international NGOs
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Bainbridge, Timothy
Timothy Bainbridge works for Children's Aid Direct as a technical support adviser for agricultural projects. His main interest is in the institutional development of NGOs with a focus on field-level effectiveness in fostering long-term, large-scale, sustainable development.
Community Based Animal Health Care in Zambia
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Baptist, William; Honkala, Cheri; Goldstein, Richard and Thul, Elizabeth with Grugan, Patrick
William Baptist is at Kensington Welfare Rights Union. Cheri Honkala is the founder and Executive Director of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), Co-Chair of the National Welfare Rights Union, a co-founder of the Up and Out of Poverty Now! Coalition. She has been a homeless single mother and welfare recipient, as well as being a trained social worker, and is an author and playwright. Richard Goldstein, a former businessman, worked for 20 years with small, for-profit enterprises and with low-income workers. He then re-trained as a social worker and is now a community organiser and human rights educator engaged in movement-building work with poor people, social workers, and other social activists. Elizabeth Thul originally worked for American Re-Insurance Company but became a social worker following studies in Israel and the USA. Both are founding members of SWEPT. Patrick Grugan works with the Underground Railroad Project.
Globalisation and homelessness in the USA: building a social movement to end poverty
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Barghouthi, Mustafa
Mustafa Barghouthi is a medical doctor and founder member of the Union of Palestine Medical Relief Committees in East Jerusalem, Israel.
North-South relations and the question of aid
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Barnes, Sam
Sam Barnes worked for the UN in Mozambique from 1987-1994. She now works as an independent researcher and consultant specializing in reconstruction and development in Post-conflict situations, based in Mozambique.
NGOs in peacekeeping operations: their role in Mozambique
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Barraclough, Solon
Solon Barraclough is a consultant to the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and to various other international organisations and NGOs. A former Director of UNRISD, he worked for many years in Latin America with FAO and various universities on issues of agrarian policy and sustainable development.
Food and poverty in the Americas: institutional and policy obstacles to efficiency in food aid
Volume 7 number 2, 1997
Barrientos, Stephanie, Sharon McClenaghan, and Liz Orton
Stephanie Barrientos was at the time the research was undertaken a Principal Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire, and is now a Fellow at IDS. Apart from the works cited above, she is co-editor (with Haleh Afshar) of Women, Globalisation and Fragmentation in the Developing World (Macmillan, 1999).
Stakeholder participation, gender, and codes of conduct in South Africa
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Baskar, J. Paul
J. Paul Baskar is the Chair of the Peace Trust in Tamil Nadu, India.
Devastation by leather tanneries in Tamil Nadu
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
Beckwith, Colin, Kent Glenzer, and Alan Fowler
Colin L. Beckwith has worked in international development for the past 20 years, mainly in Central America and West Africa, focusing on strategy creation and organisational development. Since 1998 he has been a member of CARE’s Latin America Regional Management Unit.
Kent Glenzer is a consultant on non-profit and public sector strategy, currently leading an 18-month research project in Mali looking at the intersection of development discourse, democratisation, decentralisation, and the strengthening of civil society.
Based in South Africa, Alan Fowler is an independent adviser, analyst, and writer on NGOs, civil society, and development and is currently undertaking comparative research on NGO leadership and governance. He is vice-president of the International Society for Third Sector Research and a director of CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen Participation.
Leading learning and change from the middle: re-conceptualising strategy’s purpose, content, and measures
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Begum, Showkat Ara and Khan, Niaz Ahmed
Showkat Ara Begum is Joint Director (Demography) at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development in Comilla, Bangladesh. Niaz Ahmed Khan is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the University of Chittagong in Bangladesh.
Participation in social forestry re-examined: a case-study from Bangladesh
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Bell, Simon
Simon Bell is a Systems Lecturer in the Centre for Complexity and Change at The Open University in the UK.
Finding out rapidly: a soft systems approach to training needs analysis in Thailand
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Berner, Erhard
Erhard Berner is a Lecturer in Local and Regional Development at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and has also taught at universities in the Philippines, Nepal, and Namibia. He has undertaken extensive research on urban poverty and community responses in the Philippines, and has also served as a consultant to Philippine NGOs and government institutions in the field of housing.
Learning from informal markets: innovative approaches to land and housing provision
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Bhatt, Mihir R
Mihir R Bhatt is Director of the Foundation for Public Interest in India.
Women in water management: the need for local planning
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Risk Reduction and Society and the Twenty-First Century
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Bhattacharjee, Parinita
Parinita Bhattacharjee is currently a Programme Officer (HIV/AIDS) with ActionAid India, and has been working in the field of reproductive and sexual health for five years, with a particular focus on women and adolescents.
Stepping Stones - a participatory tool to integrate gender into HIV/AIDS work
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Binns, Tony; Motteux, Nicole; Nel, Etienne and Rowntree, Kate
Tony Binns is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK. Nicole Motteux is a research student at Rhodes University in South Africa with a special interest in community and participation. Etienne Nel is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Rhodes University with research interests in community and local development issues. Kate Rowntree is Associate Professor of Geography at Rhodes University with an interest in fluvial geomorphology and catchment management.
Empowerment for development: taking participatory appraisal further in rural South Africa
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Bishikwabo, Kizito Nsarhaza
Kizito Nsarhaza Bishikwabo is a consultant at UNRISD in Geneva, Switzerland.
The informal pharmaceuticals market in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Blackburn, James and Into A. Goudsmit
James Blackburn is Research and Training Coordinator for the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in Sucre, Bolivia. Specialised in PRA training for project and policy design and evaluation, he is presently engaged in feasibility and evaluation studies for rural microfinance programmes.
Participatory Municipal Planning in Bolivia: an ambiguous experience
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Bloch, Didier
Didier Bloch worked for Oxfam GB in Brazil.
Strengthening unions: the case of irrigated agriculture in the Brazilian North East
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Organisational learning in NGOs: an example of an intervention based on the work of Chris Argyris
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Blokland, Kees
Kees Blokland is the Coordinator of International Agrarian Relations of the Paulo Freire Stichting in The Netherlands.
The peasant road towards an alternative development model: The Managua Declaration
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Boahane, Kwasi
Kwasi Boahene is a Research Fellow at the Inter-University Centre for Social Science, Theory and Methodology (ICS) of the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands.
Doing primary research in a developing economy
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Bock, Joseph G.
Joseph G. Bock is Country Representative for Catholic Relief Services' Pakistan Programme and a fellow with the W.K. Kellogg National Fellowship Programme.
Communal conflict, NGOs, and the power of religious symbols
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Böhringer, Andreas
Andreas Böhringer is a senior scientist with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry. He leads the development work of the organisation in the southern Africa regional programme, the main goal of which is to facilitate significant impact of agroforestry on livelihoods of large numbers of smallholder farming families. He has over 16 years of working experience in various projects related to natural resource management and rural development, largely in the Pacific-Rim Region and Africa.
Facilitating the wider use of agroforestry for development in southern Africa
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Bökkerink, Sasja and van Hees Ted
Ted van Hees is co-ordinator of Eurodad in The Netherlands where Sasja Bökkerink, who is now an independent consultant, worked on the multilateral debt campaign during 1995-96.
EURODAD's campaign on multilateral debt: the 1996 HIPC debt initiative and beyond
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Bonnerjea, Lucy
Lucy Bonnerjea, a lecturer at the London School of Economics, was commissioned by Save the Children Fund to review five family-tracing programmes.
Family tracing: in whose interests?
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Booth, David
David Booth is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Centre of Developing Area Studies at the University of Hull in the UK.
Bridging the `macro'-`micro' divide in policy-oriented research: two African experiences
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Boraian, P; Narayanasamy, N; and. Ramesh R.
At the time of writing the authors were members of the Participatory Rural Appraisal Project (PRA) Team of the Ghandigram rural Institute, Tamil Nadu, India.
PRA in the shade of the mango groves
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Borren, Sylvia
Sylvia Borren is Director of the Dutch NGO Novib, one of the member agencies of Oxfam International.
Development agencies: global or solo players?
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Bosch, Dawie and Steyn, Lala
Dawie Bosch is a lawyer focusing on the labour rights of agricultural workers. Lala Steyn is the research co-ordinator of the Surplus People Project (SPP), which was formed to assist communities resisting forced removals and engaged in various land struggles in South Africa.
South Africa in transition: Lessons for land reform from Brazil, Bolivia and Chile
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Brehm, Vicky Mancuso
Vicky Mancuso Brehm is a social geographer with a particular interest in the relationships between communities and their environment and is based at INTRAC in the UK.
Environment, advocacy, and community participation: MOPAWI in Honduras
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Brehony, Eamonn
Eamonn Brehony has worked in Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia as a development worker with CONCERN and Irish Aid. He completed his PhD in University College Dublin in 1998 and is currently working with the Medical Missionaries of Mary in Arusha, where he and his wife run a training centre.
Whose practice counts? Experiences in using indigenous health practices from Ethiopia and Uganda
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Breslin, Edward D and Sawyer, Ron
Edward Breslin is Health and Hygiene Education Manager at the Mvula Trust, a South African NGO which supports rural water supply and sanitation development where he has been coordinating the PHAST-SA programme. Ron Sawyer is one of the core creators of the PHAST approach and is executive director of SARAR Transformación SC, an international consulting group based in Mexico.
A participatory approach to community-based HIV/AIDS awareness
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Brigaldino, Glenn
Glenn Brigaldino is Programme Officer at The European Centre for Development Policy Management in The Netherlands.
Rehabilitation: a bridge between relief and development
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Brown, Alison
Alison Brown is a consultant urban planner and part-time lecturer on the MSc (International) Urban Planning programme at the Department of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University.
Cities for the urban poor in Zimbabwe: urban space as a resource for sustainable development
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Brown, Ato and Grierson, John P
Ato Brown is an infrastructure planning and management specialist with over ten years' experience with the World Bank and SKAT and on UNDP/UNICEF projects. He is currently Waste Management Specialist at the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme in Kenya. John Grierson previously worked at SKAT in Switzerland and is currently with FTP in Finland.
Small enterprise opportunities in municipal solid waste management
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Brown, Deryck R
Deryck Brown is currently a Research Associate of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Trinidad & Tobago. He was previously Director of the Trinidad & Tobago Small Business Development Company.
Sustainability is not about money!: the case of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Bryceson, Deborah Fahy and Howe, John
Deborah Fahy Bryceson is a Research Fellow at the Afrika-Studiecentrum (ASC) in Leiden, The Netherlands. John Howe is Professor of Infrastructural Planning at the Institute of Infrastructure, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering (IHE) in Delft, The Netherlands.
African rural labour and the World Bank: an alternative perspective
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Bryer, David and Cairns, Edmund
David Bryer is Director of Oxfam (GB). Edmund Cairns is a Policy Adviser for Oxfam GB, specialising in the role of humanitarian agencies in conflicts.
For better? For worse? Humanitarian aid in conflict
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Bryld, Erik
The technocratic discourse: technical means to political problems
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Buckley, Graeme
Graeme Buckley works as an economics adviser for the British Department for International Development.
Understanding the informal sector using sub-sector analysis
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Butler, John M; Domatob, Jerry Komi and Ausmus, Willam A
John M Butler, Jerry Komia Domatob and William A Ausmus teach at the Communication Studies Department, University of Northern Iowa, USA.
New communication technologies in tropical African development
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Burnett, Norma
Norma Burnett is qualified in Town Planning and Social Administration and is currently working as a freelance consultant on fundraising and strategic planning for Assiut Burns Project in Egypt.
Funding preventive or curative care? The Assiut Burns Project
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Buwalda, Háns
Háns Buwalda is a Creative Process Therapist from The Netherlands.
Children of War in the Philippines
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Buys, Jos; Verneirt, Marc; Devuyst, Dimitri and Hens, Luc
Jos Buys works for the Belgian Agency for Development Co-operation in Brussels.
Marc Verneirt, Dmitri Devuyst and Luc Hens work at the Human Ecology Department, Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium.
Testing environmental impacts of development projects
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Cáceres, Daniel M and Woodhouse, Philip J
Daniel Cáceres works with peasant associations in Ischilin Department (NW Cordoba) through an Argentinian NGO, to improve rural livelihoods through technological innovation and agricultural diversification. Philip Woodhouse teaches on environment and rural development at the University of Manchester in the UK.
Technological change among peasants in Central Argentina
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Caine, Glenda
Glenda Caine is Director of the Independent Projects Trust in Durban, South Africa.
Training for peace
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Cairns, Edmund and Bryer, David
Edmund Cairns is a Policy Adviser for Oxfam GB, specialising in the role of humanitarian agencies in conflicts. David Bryer is Director of Oxfam (GB).
For better? For worse? Humanitarian aid in conflict
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
de Caires, Frank
Frank de Caires worked from 1984 to 1991 in Togo and Uganda for agencies including United Nations Volunteers (UNV), Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), and Aid to Artisans. He then worked for Oxfam GB's fair trade programmes in India.
Fleeting talk: one question in India
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Cammack, John
John Cammack teaches Accounting and Financial Management at Oxford Brookes University School of Business Studies in the UK.
Finance: friend or foe?
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Cannon, Christy
Christy Cannon's DPhil examines paradigms concerning the involvement of Northern NGOs in health care in Africa. She is based in the UK.
NGOs and the State: a case-study from Uganda
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Carmen, Raff
Raff Carmen worked for 15 years in Zambia and Burkina Faso and lectures at the Centre for Adult and Higher Education at the University of Manchester in the UK.
Paulo Freire 1921-1997 - A philosophy of hope, a life of practice
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Carrión, Diego M
Diego Carrión is Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Catholic University of Ecuador and a researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones CIUDAD in Quito, Ecuador. He is also the chief advisor to the Mayor of Quito.
Democracy and social participation in Latin American cities
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Carroll, Thomas; Humphreys, Denise and Scurrah Martin J.
Thomas Carroll is a Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, George Washington University in the USA. Denise Humphreys works for Catholic Relief Services in Bolivia. Martin Scurrah is the head of the Spanish Discipline, Flinders University, Australia
Grassroots support organisations in Peru
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Case, Dympna
Dympna Casey is a registered general nurse with academic qualifications in communications and health promotion. Currently she is a Lecturer in the Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Community development in the Third World-Walking a fine line
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Cassel, Jeffrey; Sandiford, Peter; Lankshear, Colin; Montenegro, María Martha and Sánchez, Germana
Jeffrey Cassel is a Consultant Sociologist at the Instituto Centroamericano de la Salud in Managua, Nicaragua. Peter Sandiford is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Systems Development at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Colin Lankshear is Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education and Director of the Literacy Studies in Education Research Programme at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Maria Martha Montenegro is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua. Germana Sánchez is a Medical Anthropologist at the Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud.
The Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade: How lasting were its benefits?
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Castelloe, Paul and Watson, Thomas
Paul Castelloe and Thomas Watson are Co-Directors of the Center for Participatory Change in the USA.
The Participatory Change Process: a capacity building model from a US NGO
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Castelo-Branco, Viriato
Viriato Castelo-Branco is a teacher who works for the Mozambican Public Health Association.
Child soldiers: the experience of the Mozambican Association for Public Health (AMOSAPU)
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Castillo, Alfonso
Alfonso Castillo is the director of UDEC (Unión de Esfuerzos para el Campo, A.C.), a Mexican NGO, which he co-founded in 1984.
Alternative microfinance institutions and vulnerability
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud (CISAS)
The article synthesises research by Dr Edmundo Sánchez of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud of the Nicaraguan School of Public Health on behalf of CISAS in Nicaragua.
Adjusting health care: the case of Nicaragua
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
César Bou, Luís
Luís César Bou is Professor of History at the National University of Rosario in Argentina.
The new urban poor: the Tobas indians
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Chakanika, Wanga Weluzani and Chuma, Peter Chibuta
Wanga Chakanika and Peter Chuma are, respectively, National Chairman and Member of the Adult Education Association of Zambia (AEAZ).
Resuscitating voter interest in Zambia: the Adult Education Association of Zambia's role in national elections
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Chakrabarti, P. G. Dhar
P. G. Dhar Chakrabarti is a member of the Indian Administrative Service and has been a practising urban manager for nearly a decade. He has worked as Administrator in three municipalities that were subsequently dissolved, was Vice Chairman of a city development authority, and Secretary of a state Housing and Urban Development Department. He is currently Director of the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation in the Government of India.
Urban crisis in India: new initiatives for sustainable cities
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Chakravarty, S.
S. Chakravarty was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex (UK) during 1997. He belongs to the Indian Police Service, and is currently Inspector General of Policy In-Charge of Administration of the Maharashtra Police.
Mainstreaming gender in the police: the Maharashtra experience
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Chamberlain, Peter with Goodhand, Jonathan
Peter Chamberlain worked for the Austrian Relief Committee in Pakistan (1989-93).
Jonathan Goodhand worked for the International Rescue Committee in Afghanistan (1987-90) and for Save the Children Fund in Sri Lanka (1992-94), before joining INTRAC.
`Dancing with the prince': NGOs' survival strategies in the Afghan conflict
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Chapman, Jennifer and Fisher, Thomas
Jennifer Chapman is a freelance researcher and consultant who is an associate of New Economics Foundation (NEF). Thomas Fisher leads NEF' s community finance team. He also specialises in organisational development including for Indian micro-finance institutions, and has conducted extensive research and training on non-farm rural livelihoods.
The effectiveness of NGO campaigning: lessons from practice
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Chataway, Jo and Hewitt, Tom
Joanna Chataway is chair of the Development Policy and Practice Research Group at The Open University. Tom Hewitt is director of the OU' s MSc in Development Management.
Managing institutional change in the science and technology systems of Eastern Europe and East Africa
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Cherrett, Ian; O'Keefe, Phil; Heidenreich, Anne and Middlebrook, Peter
Ian Cherrett is a development consultant with ETC (UK). Phil O'Keefe is Reader in Environmental Management at the University of Northumbria. Anne Heidenreich is an environmental activist and Editor of Climate Change in Africa. Peter Middlebrook is a researcher at ETC (UK).
Redefining the roles of environmental NGOs in Africa
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Chesterfield, Ray and Enge, Kjell
Ray Chesterfield, an educational anthropologist, is Vice President of Juárez and Associates. Kjell Enge, an applied anthropologist, is Associate Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, USA.
Using multi-dimensional scaling to promote dialogue among development professionals in conference settings
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Chicuecue, Noel Muchenga
Noel Muchenga Chicuecue works with the UNESCO Culture of Peace Programme in Mozambique.
Reconciliation: the role of Truth Commissions and alternative ways of healing
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Chigudu, Hope
Hope Chigudu is co-founder and chair of the Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN).
The Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre and Network
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Chilima, Dorothy
Dorothy Chilima is a nutritionist and lectures at the University of Malawi.
Assessing nutritional status and functional ability of older adults in developing countries
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Chirwa, Wiseman
Wiseman Chirwa teaches in the Department of History at Chancellor College, University of Malawi.
Collective memory and the process of reconciliation and reconstruction
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Chossudovsky, Michel
Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, Canada.
The World Bank derogates women's rights: outcomes from Beijing
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Dismantling former Yugoslavia, recolonising Bosnia
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Chowdhury, A M R and Rafi, Mohammad
A M R Chowdhury is the Director and Mohammad Rafi is Senior Research Sociologist in the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC.
Human rights and religious backlash: the experience of a Bangladeshi NGO
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Chuma, Peter Chibuta and Chakanika, Wanga Weluzani
Peter Chuma and Wanga Chakanika are respectively, Member and National Chairman of the Adult Education Association of Zambia (AEAZ).
Resuscitating voter interest in Zambia: the Adult Education Association of Zambia's role in national elections
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Cisneros, Susana Pinilla
Susana Pinilla Cisneros is Executive Chair of IDESI Nacional in Peru.
Banking on the poor: Peru's small and micro enterprise sector
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Clark, John
John Clark works for the World Bank and previously worked with Oxfam GB.
Democratising development: NGOs and the State
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Coates, Barry and Rosalind David
Barry Coates is Director of the World Development Movement (WDM), a democratic membership network, based in the UK. WDM’s active supporters and local groups campaign for changes to the policies of Northern governments, companies, and international institutions to counter injustice and create opportunities for the poor. Recent campaigns include the MAI, WTO and the GATS, Third World debt, and regulation of multinational corporations. Rosalind David is head of Impact Assessment at ActionAid. Over the last few years ActionAid’s work has undergone fundamental changes and now incorporates much more advocacy and influencing work at all levels. ActionAid’s impact assessment team has recently embarked upon a three-year action-research project working with partners and activists in four countries to explore how best to assess the value of advocacy in different cultures and contexts.
Learning for change: the art of assessing the impact of advocacy work
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Cole, Roy
Roy Cole has worked in Francophone Africa and Sudan.
The impact of food aid on cereal and livestock prices in Red Sea Province, The Sudan: 1980-1989
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Collier, Christopher
Christopher Collier is a freelance development and emergencies consultant.
NGOs, the poor, and local government
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Commins, Stephen
Professor Stephen Commins has worked for many years in the NGO sector, most recently with World Vision-US. He teaches International Studies at UCLA and is currently a Social Policy Specialist at the World Bank.
NGOs: ladles in the global soup kitchen?
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
In the line of fire: development in conflict
Introductory essay in the Reader, Development in States of War, published by Oxfam GB in 1996, and also available in Spanish.
Connell, Dan
Dan Connell is the founder and former director of the Boston-based development agency Grassroots International and the author of Against All Odds: A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution (Red Sea Press).
Participatory development: a class- and gender-sensitive approach
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Connor, Stephen J
Stephen Connor worked in The Gambia on research funded by WHO for the Medical Research Council.
Using Geographical Information Systems for decision-support in national development Planning
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Conroy, Czech
Czech Conroy formerly worked for the Aga Khan foundation.
A seminar on small-enterprise promotion
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Constantino-David, Karina
Karina Constantino-David is Professor of Community Development at the University of the Philippines, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development July 1998-October 1999, and Philippine NGO leader.
Unsustainable development: the Philippine experience
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Copestake, James
James Copestake is a Lecturer in the economics of development at the University of Bath. His current work includes ongoing impact assessment of microfinance programmes in Zambia, Malawi, and Kenya. He is also involved in action-research into the impact assessment of finance programmes globally, sponsored by the Ford Foundation
Finance Against Poverty
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Integrating environmental assessment and socio-economic appraisal in the development process
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Integrating impact monitoring and assessment of microfinance
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Corvalan S., Claudia
Claudia Corvalan is a journalist and translator for Inter Press Service News Agency (IPS) in Chile.
A Seminar to reflect on the role of development NGOs
Volume 2, number 1, 1992
Cottingham, Sara and Archer, David
Sara Cottingham and David Archer work at ACTIONAID in London, UK.
REFLECT: A new approach to literacy and social change
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Court, Julius
Julius Court is Programme Coordinator in the Office of the Rector at the United Nations University Headquarters in Tokyo.
Global Finance and Development
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Craig, David and Porter, Doug
David Craig is at the Australian National University, where he is researching the impact of economic liberalisation on local health and pharmaceutical use in Vietnam. Doug Porter was Regional Technical Adviser for the UN Capital Development Fund, based in Kampala, and is a Fellow of the National Centre for Development Studies at the Australian National University.
Framing participation: development projects, professionals, and organisations
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mdimi, Zainab; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwambuzi, Anna; Mwiko, Matthias and Sekasua, Sekiete with Robinson, Dorcas
David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, Matthias Mwiko and Sekiete Sekasua are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Crayne, Richard; Hyman, Eric L and Strauss, Robert
Robert Strauss and Richard Crayne are consultants with Development Alternatives Inc., in Washington DC, USA. Eric Hyman is a Programme Economist with Appropriate Technology International (ATI) also in Washington DC.
An enterprise development-strategy for Zambia
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Cresswell, Teresa
Teresa Cresswell is a Health Promotion Co-ordinator with the North Derbyshire Health Authority in the UK. She is a registered nurse and Health Visitor, a counsellor for Relate (formerly the Marriage Guidance Council), and also a sex therapist.
Participatory appraisal in the UK urban health sector: keeping faith with perceived needs
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Cuny, Frederick C and Stein, Barry N
Frederick C Cuny was Director of the US NGO Intertect and was working in Chechnya at the time of his death. Barry N. Stein is a Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University. He has published extensively on refugee-related subjects, and has also served as a consultant to the UNHCR on the subject of returnee aid and development.
Refugee repatriation during conflict: protection and post-return assistance
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Currey, Bruce
Bruce Currey, of the Shomabesh Institute in Bangladesh, has been doing research on the resilience and vulnerability of rural households in disaster-prone areas of the Asia-Pacific region for 20 years.
Environmental leadership training for Asia
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Dahm, Hjalmar
No author bio details available.
Panning for salt in Benin and Brittany
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Dale, Reidar
Reidar Dale is Associate Professor of Rural and Regional Development Planning at the Asian Institute of Technology. He has extensive experience of rural and regional development work in Asia and Africa, as manager, adviser, evaluator, and researcher.
Peoples development with peoples money: the mobilisation organisation - finance nexus
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Daly, Gerald
Gerald Daly is a project officer with the World Food Programme (WFP) in Malawi and has previously worked with an Irish NGO (GOAL) and with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Working under pressure: how people and organisations can achieve more
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Davenport, Eileen and Will Low
The authors have published individually and together and are currently working on a book about fair trade. Eileen Davenport is an independent development consultant specialising in social development and social impact assessment. Will Low is Principal Lecturer in Economics at Auckland University of Technology.
Poverty, Prosperity, Progress (Pohara, Tonui, Kokiri), second biennial Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DEVNET) conference, 17-19 November 2000, Wellington.
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Davidson, Joan
Until her death in 1993, Joan Davidson was an Adviser on Environment and Development at Oxfam GB.
The Earth Summit
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Davis, Susan
Susan Davis works for the Women's Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO) in New York, USA. The official Beijing documents are available from DC2-1234, United Nations, New York, NY 10017, USA.
Beijing: a conference of commitments?
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Dawson, Ian K; John C. Weber, Carmen Sotelo Montes, Héctor Vidaurre, and Anthony J. Simons
Ian K. Dawson is based at ICRAF headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, where he is a geneticist responsible for a wide range of germplasm-related activities. For full author details see Weber.
Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Debebe, Gelaye
Gelaye Debebe is a PhD candidate in Organisational Behaviour at the University of Michigan and a Research Associate at the Center for Gender in Organisations at the Simmons Graduate School of Management.
Guest learning and adaptation in the field: a Navajo case study
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Delap, Emily
Emily Delap has lived and worked in Bangladesh for over three years and has focused during this time on the causes and consequences of children's work in urban areas. Currently a freelance consultant, she was previously a Research Associate in the Department of Economics and International Development at the University of Bath.
Urban children' s work during and after the 1998 floods in Bangladesh
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
den Heyer, Molly
Molly den Heyer completed the TLM research as part of the MSc in Rural Planning and Development at the University of Guelph, Ontario. She is currently a Research Associate working in IDCR’s Evaluation Unit.
Modelling learning programmes
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Denning, Glenn L
Glenn L. Denning is Director of ICRAFs Development Division, whose global activities focus on achieving impact and building human resource capacity and institutional strength in agroforestry. With extensive experience in international agricultural research and development, he has worked on strengthening partnerships with national agricultural research systems, resource mobilisation, and public awareness.
Realising the potential of agroforestry: integrating research and development to achieve greater impact
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Deriu, Paolo
Paolo Deriu works for the Italian NGO Mani Tese.
Beyond the micro-project: a new strategy in Benin
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Deva, Siddarth
Siddarth Deva works at Oxfam GB.
The role of NGOs in the democratisation and reconstruction process
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Devuyst, Dimitri; Verneirt, Marc; Buys, Jos and Hens, Luc
Dmitri Devuyst, Marc Verneirt and Luc Hens work at the Human Ecology Department, Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. Jos Buys works for the Belgian Agency for Development Co-operation in Brussels.
Testing environmental impacts of development projects
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Dey, Krishno and Westendorff, David
Krishno Dey, formerly with United Nations Volunteers (UNV), now lives in India. David Westendorff is a Research Fellow at UNRISD in Geneva , Switzerland.
Getting down to ground level: a community perspective on social development
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Díaz, Blanca, Alejandro Ayala, Jeremy Haggar, and Carlos Uc Reyes
Blanca Díaz worked with ICRAF and is based in Chetumal in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. For full author details see Haggar.
Participatory design of agroforestry systems: developing farmer participatory research methods in Mexico
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Dierolf, Thomas S., Rienzzie Kern, Tim Ogborn, Mark Protti, and Marvin Schwartz
Thomas S. Dierolf is Co-Country Representative in the HP Indonesia Country Programme At Heifer International, Rienzzie Kern is Director of Planning and Evaluation, Tim Ogborn is Director of Organisational Development, Mark Protti is Director of Training and Marvin Schwartz is Director of Grants.
Heifer International: growing a learning organisation
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Diskett, Patricia and Nickson, Patricia
Patricia Diskett worked as a Health Adviser for Oxfam during the 1980s prior to a post as Research Fellow at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Patricia Nickson worked as a Health Adviser to the Christian Medical commission in Geneva followed by a post as Lecturer at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Financing primary health care: an NGO perspective:
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Dolan, Chris
Chris Dolan is International Research Officer at ACORD in London.
Principled Aid in an Unprincipled World
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Domatob, Jerry Komi; Ausmus, Willam A and Butler John M
Jerry Komia Domatob, William A Ausmus, and John M Butler teach at the Communication Studies Department, University of Northern Iowa, USA.
New communication technologies in tropical African development
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Domatov, Elena, Elizabeth D. Schulman, and Glenna H. Graves
Elena Domatov, originally from Uzbekistan, is a coordinator in the US-Russia partnership project at the College of Allied Health Professions Department, University of Kentucky. Elizabeth Schulman, is an Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services, College of Allied Health Professions, University of Kentucky, and director of a US-Russia partnership project. She founded the Childrens Forget-Me-Not Foundation, Inc. to raise international awareness of, and practical aid for, children in developing countries. Glenna Graves is an adjunct professor at Morehead State University in Kentucky. She has done consulting work with the Peace Corps in Romania, UNICEF in Costa Rica, and Children of the Americas in Guatemala.
Community-led development in practice: humanising institutions for children and older people in Russia
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Downs, Ed
Ed Downs was previously Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of Central Lancashire.
Reflection for Action: a conference on development education
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Dunn, Leith
Leith Dunn is a Jamaican sociologist. She is an independent development consultant and human resource trainer, and is author of the Commonwealth Foundation' s NGO Good Policy and Practice Training Kit (1997) and co-author with Colin Ball of Non-governmental Organisations: Guidelines for Good Policy and Practice (1995). She teaches at the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica.
Export Processing Zones: a Caribbean development dilemma
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Dwaraki, B R and Narayanasamy, N
Dr B R Dwaraki and N Narayanasamy are based at the Gandhigram Rural Institute in Tamil Nadu (India), as Reader in Rural Sociology and Reader in Co-operation respectively.
Participatory rural appraisal for a vibrant co-operative sector
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Dzimbiri, Lewis B
Lewis B. Dzimbiri is a Lecturer in Public Administration at the University of Malawi.
Challenging gender stereotypes in training: Mozambican refugees in Malawi
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Eade, Deborah
Deborah Eade worked for ten years in Latin America and has been Editor of Development in Practice since 1991.
Partnership: casual affairs, marriages of convenience, or lasting relationships?
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Change and continuity: the challenge of transition
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Earl, Sarah and Fred Carden
Fred Carden is Senior Specialist in Evaluation at IDRC. He has written in the areas of evaluation, international cooperation, and environmental management. His current work includes the development of evaluation tools and methods in the areas of organisational assessment, participatory monitoring and evaluation, programme evaluation, and outcome mapping. Sarah Earl is a Programme Evaluation Officer with the Evaluation Unit and has been with IDRC since 1998. Her current work includes the conceptual development of outcome mapping and its application for planning, monitoring, and evaluating at the programme and organisational levels.
Learning from complexity: the International Development Research Centre’s experience with Outcome Mapping
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Ebong, Geoffrey; Thomas Raussen, and Jimmy Musiime
Geoffrey Ebong is an agricultural economist currently working with the Eastern and Central Africa Programme for Agricultural Policy Analysis, the agricultural policy analysis programme of ASARECA (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa). Earlier, he worked as a research administrator with ICRAF in the AFRENAUganda Project. For full author details see Raussen.
More effective natural resource management through democratically elected, decentralised government structures in Uganda
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Ebrahim, Alnoor
Alnoor Ebrahim is Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech and was previously based at the University of Stanford.
Agricultural Cooperatives in Gujarat, India: agents of equity or differentiation?
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Edwards, Michael
Michael Edwards is currently at the Ford Foundation in New York. At time of writing, he worked for The Save the Children Fund in London.
Scaling up NGO impact on development: learning from experience
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
(written with David Hulme, for author details see Hulme)
`Does the doormat influence the boot?': critical thoughts on UK NGOs and international advocacy
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Development practice and development studies: working together
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
In response to Nicky May's Conference Report (`Performance and accountability in the New World Order', Development in Practice 5/1, pp 71-3), Michael Edwards and David Hulme - the organisers of the Workshop -- present their point of view.
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Multinational investment and human rights: forging a consensus
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Egan, Erica
Erica Egan worked for several years for UNICEF in Zambezia Province, Mozambique.
Relief and rehabilitation work in Mozambique: institutional capacity and NGO executional strategies
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
Ellerman, David
David Ellerman is currently Economic Advisor to the Chief Economist at the World Bank, where he has focused on issues of labour, capacity building, transition economies, and private sector development. He was also adviser and speech-writer to the previous Chief Economist Joseph Stiglitz and is the author of numerous books and papers on economic democracy.
Should development agencies have Official Views?
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Emblen, Valerie
Valerie Emblen is Senior Lecturer in Education at the School of Teaching Studies, University of North London in the UK.
Who is the expert?
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Enge, Kjell and Chesterfield, Ray
Kjell Enge, an applied anthropologist, is Associate Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, USA. Ray Chesterfield, an educational anthropologist, is Vice President of Juárez and Associates.
Using multi-dimensional scaling to promote dialogue among development professionals in conference settings
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Esteva, Gustavo and Prakash, Madhu Suri
Gustavo Esteva is a grassroots activist, journalist and author, and former adviser to the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) in Mexico. Madhu Suri Prakash is a full professor of education at the Pennsylvania State University in the USA.
Beyond development, what?
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Eyben, Rosalind
At time of writing, Rosalind Eyben was Principal Social Development Adviser at the Overseas Development Administration (now DFID) in London, UK.
What can aid do for social development?
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Faminow, Merle D; K. K. Klein, and Project Operations Unit
Merle D. Faminow was director of the Nagaland Environmental Protection and Economic Development Project from 1998 to 2000. Currently, he is senior scientist with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry. Kurt K. Klein researches bioeconomics and is professor of economics at the University of Lethbridge. The Project Operations Unit implemented the NEPED project in Nagaland and is currently initiating a second phase project. The first phase team comprised R. Kevichusa (team leader), M. Acharyya, V. Liezie, Z. Kikon, V. Nakro, M. Zaren, A. Yaden, Q. Wotsa, S. Odyuo, P. Koza, G. Zhimomi, P. Angami, L. Nungshimar, A. Jamir, C. Kikhi, R. Verma.
On-farm testing and dissemination of agroforestry among slash-and-burn farmers in Nagaland, India
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Feeney, Patricia
Patricia Feeney is a Policy Adviser on Human Rights at Oxfam GB and previously worked at Amnesty International.
Environmental reform in Brazil: advances and reversals
Volume 2, number 1, 1992
The UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993
Volume 3, number 3, 1993
Fisher, Thomas; Mahajan, Vijay and Topgyal, Tsering
Vijay Mahajan founded an NGO (PRADAN) in 1983 to promote rural livelihoods. Tsering Topgyal is Chief Planning Officer at the Planning Council of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Thomas Fisher works at New Economics Foundation in London.
Institutional development in practice: a case-study from the Tibetan refugee community
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
The effectiveness of NGO campaigning: lessons from practice
(written with Jennifer Chapman, for author details see Chapman)
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Fitzpatrick, Jim and Storey, Andy
Jim Fitzpatrick is Managing Director of Fitzpatrick Associates in Dublin. Andy Storey was a Research Adviser with Trocaire at time of writing and now is a lecturer at the Development Studies Centre, Kimmage Manor, Dublin, Ireland.
Calculating food-aid cost-effectiveness: evidence from Ethiopia
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
Forje, Catherine Lema
Catherine Lema Forje is Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Business Management of the University of in Cameroon Republic.
Economic crisis helps to 'demarginalize' women
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Fowler, Alan
Alan Fowler is an independent development consultant based in Africa
Building partnerships between Northern and Southern development NGOs: issues for the 1990s
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Decentralisation for international NGOs
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
Demonstrating NGO performance: problems and possibilities
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Relevance in the twenty-first century: the case for devolution and global association of international NGOs
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Fox, Jonathan
Jonathan Fox is Associate Professor of Social Science in the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz , USA.
Transparency for accountability: civil-society monitoring of Multilateral Development Bank anti-poverty projects
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Franzel, Steven; Charles Wambugu, Paul Tuwei, and George Karanja
Steven Franzel is a principal agricultural economist with ICRAF, based in Nairobi. Working in participatory technology development, he provides backup assistance to agroforestry research and dissemination teams throughout the tropics at sites where ICRAF works. For full author details see Wambugu.
Scaling up the use of fodder shrubs in central Kenya
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Franks, Jeremy and Roth, Jimmy
Jeremy Franks is a Research Associate at the University of Manchester in the UK, with an interest in financial analysis of farm enterprises and farm management.
Jimmy Roth worked at Development Planning and Research in South Africa. Development jargon as order words
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Frost, Nicola
Nicola Frost was until January 2002 Reviews Editor for Development in Practice. She is currently pursuing doctoral research on civil society and peace-building in Indonesia.
Putting People at the Centre: Voluntary Action Shaping Social and Economic Change: CIVICUS World Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, 19-23 August 2001
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Frost, Nicola and Jones, Carolyn
Nicola Frost was until January 2002 Reviews Editor for Development in Practice. She is currently pursuing doctoral research on civil society and peace-building in Indonesia. Carolyn Jones has worked as a freelance trainer and facilitator in PRA since 1994 and collaborates with various universities and NGOs in the UK.
Video for recording and training in participatory development
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Fujikura, Ryo and Mikiyasu Nakayama
Ryo Fujikura is Professor at Ritsumeikan University. His research interests are in the field of environmental systems and policy science. Mikiyasu Nakayama is Professor at the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. His research interests are in the field of impact assessments and management of international water systems.
Post-hoc review of involuntary resettlement issues in two power generation projects
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Fyvie, Claire and Ager, Alastair
Claire Fyvie and Professor Alastair Ager are at the Department of Management and Social Sciences, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, UK.
The community re-integration of Romanian orphanage graduates
Volume 7, number 1, 1997