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Rafi, Mohammad and Chowdhury, A M R
Mohammad Rafi is Senior Research Sociologist in the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC in Bangladesh, of which A M R Chowdhury is the Director.
Human rights and religious backlash: the experience of a Bangladeshi NGO
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Dr Rajagopal is a Faculty Member at the Institute of Rural Management, India
Business links through NGOs: an Indian experiment in rural development
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Empowering rural women groups for strengthening economic linkages: some Indian experiments
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Rao, Aruna and Kelleher, David
Aruna Rao is a gender and development consultant and writer and former Head of the BRAC Gender Team. At time of writing, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Simmons Institute for Leadership and Change in Boston, involved in building a global network of theorists and practitioners in the area of gender and organisational change. David Kelleher is an independent organisational consultant specialising in work with NGOs and other non-profit organisations, and at the time of writing was a Visiting Fellow at the Simmons Institute for Leadership and Change in Boston.
Gender Lost and Gender Found: BRAC's Gender Quality Action-Learning Programme
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Ratnaike, R N and Goh, W M H
Ranjit Ratnaike (FRACP) is a consultant gastroenterologist at the University of Adelaide, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South Australia where Will Goh (FRANZCP) is a senior visiting psychiatrist.
Health programmes for the disadvantaged
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Raussen, Thomas, Geoffrey Ebong and Jimmy Musiime
Thomas Raussen is an agroforestry scientist working with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry and the Forestry Resources Research Institute on agroforestry research and development in Uganda. His main interest over more than a decade of work in rural areas of western, southern and eastern Africa has been on applied research and the interface between research and dissemination. Geoffrey Ebong is an agricultural economist currently working with the Eastern and Central Africa Programme for Agricultural Policy Analysis, the agricultural policy analysis programme of ASARECA (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa). Earlier, he worked as a research administrator with ICRAF in the AFRENAUganda Project. Jimmy Musiime serves as chairperson of Bubare Subcounty in Kabale District of Uganda. He is a teacher trainer and is currently a part-time lecturer in environmental education at National Teachers College, Kabale. His main interest is working with rural people to improve their living conditions.
More effective natural resource management through democratically elected, decentralised government structures in Uganda
Volume 11, numbers 4, 2001
Raymond-McKay, Maureen and MacLachlan, Malcolm
Maureen Raymond-McKay and Malcolm MacLachlan are lecturers in psychology.
Critical incidents in emergency relief work
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Read, Russ, Herne, James and Hyman, Eric L
Russ Read was formerly based at Appropriate Technology International, where Eric Hyman works. James Herne works at TechnoServe.
Small-scale production of cultured milk and the Equity Trust approach
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Reckers, Ute
Ute Reckers is Programme Officer at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in Kenya.
Participatory project evaluation: letting local people have their say
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Reinert, Kenneth A and Voss, Jon E
Kenneth A Reinert teaches economics and international development at Kalamazoo College in Michigan, USA. Jon E Voss has a long-standing interest and involvement in Haitian economic development and is based in Illinois, USA.
Ignored Capabilities: Rural Grassroots Organisations in Haiti
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Reynolds, Jill and Shackman, Jane
Jill Reynolds is a lecturer at the Open University (UK) in the School of Health, Welfare and Community Education. Jane Shackman is a social worker at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture in London, UK.
Training indigenous workers in mental-health care
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Riak, Abikök
The author Abikök C. Riak is a programme officer with the World Vision Sudan Programme. Before receiving her MA in international development planning, she worked as a researcher with the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First) in San Francisco
The Sudan experience of the Local Capacities for Peace Project
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Rijnsburger, Jaap and Muller, Maria
Jaap Rijnsburger and Maria S. Muller work for WASTE Consultants in The Netherlands.
Pit latrines and participation: the MAPET Project in Dar es Salaam
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Riley, Stephen P.
Stephen P. Riley was, until his death in 1999, Reader in Politics at Staffordshire University in the UK.
Petty corruption and development
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Ritchie, Mark A
Mark Ritchie is the Director of the Sustainable Development Studies Program and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology, Kalamazoo College (USA) at the Faculty of Economics of Chiang Mai University in Thailand. He is active in consulting with NGOs and other organisations, especially with groups working with upland minorities in Southeast Asia.
Social capacity, sustainable development and older people: lessons from community-based care in Southeast Asia
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Rivière dArc, Hélène
Hélène Rivière dArc, a geographer, is Director of Research at the Research and Documentation Centre (CNRS) in Paris, where she focuses on Latin America. She has recently worked on social and territorial recompositions in several cities in Brazil and Mexico and on the vocabulary used to describe these and other aspects of urbanisation.
Technical versus popular language: some reflections on the vocabulary of urban management in Mexico and Brazil
Volume 11, numbers 2 and 3, 2001
Robinson, Dorcas
Dorcas Robinson is Development Adviser to the NGO Health Projects Abroad in which capacity she is member of the Executive Committee of British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND). She is currently a postgraduate student at The Open University where she has worked on the production of teaching materials for its Master' s programme in Development Management.
The development management task and reform of ' public' social services
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
A day in the life of a development manager
(written with David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu, Matthias Mwiko and Sekiete Sekasua)
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Roche, Chris
Chris Roche has been with Oxfam GB since 1994 and is currently Head of Programme Policy in the International Division. He previously worked for 10 years for ACORD, an international NGO consortium.
Operationality in turbulence: the need for change
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
NGOs, civil society and the state: building democracy in transitional countries
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Impact assessment: seeing the wood and the trees
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Rogaly, Ben
Ben Rogaly is based at the University of East Anglia and previously worked for Oxfam GB.
Contractual arrangements for rural workers in Asia
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Micro-finance Evangelism, 'Destitute Women', and the Mythical Medicine of Micro-enterprise Credit
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
A Reply
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Rogers, Alan
Professor Alan Rogers was until 1998 Executive Director of Education for Development, a specialist agency in adult learning in development programmes.
Communication is not enough
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Literacy comes second: working with groups in developing societies
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Roper, Laura
Laura Roper is Director of Program Planning and Learning at Oxfam America and Deputy Director of Global Programs. She has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania.
Achieving successful academic-practitioner research collaborations
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Rosenberg, Diana
Diana Rosenberg works for the International African Institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London UK.
A review of university libraries in Africa
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Roth, Jimmy and Franks, Jeremy
Jimmy Roth worked at Development Planning and Research in South Africa. Jeremy Franks is a Research Associate at the University of Manchester in the UK, with an interest in financial analysis of farm enterprises and farm management.
Development jargon as order words
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Rowan-Campbell, Dorien
Dorienne Rowan-Campbell for several years was responsible for establishing and taking forward the Women and Development Programme at the Commonwealth Secretariat, and later instituted what became the Centre for Gender and Development at the University of the West Indies (UWI). She was a founding member of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Ottawa Immigration Service Centre, Inter Pares, and MATCH (a feminist development agency). Now working independently Dorienne Rowan-Campbell is a research associate at the Institute of Social and Economic Research at UWI, an associate fellow of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at Sussex, a board member of the Global Fund for Women. She is actively involved in promoting organic Blue Mountain coffee, one of Jamaica's premier exports.
Development with women
Introductory essay in the Reader, Development with Women, published by Oxfam GB in 1999
Rowlands, Jo
Jo Rowlands now works for Oxfam GB.
Empowerment examined
Volume 5 number 2, 1995
Rowntree, Kate; Binns, Tony; Motteux, Nicole and Nel, Etienne
Kate Rowntree is Associate Professor of Geography at Rhodes University with an interest in fluvial geomorphology and catchment management. Tony Binns is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex in the UK. Nicole Motteux is a research student at Rhodes University in South Africa with a special interest in community and participation. Etienne Nel is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Rhodes University with research interests in community and local development issues.
Empowerment for development: taking participatory appraisal further in rural South Africa
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Roy, Puja
Puja Roy is Regional Coordinator for the India Programme of Terre des Hommes, Germany, and Terre des Hommes, Switzerland, covering Orissa, Bihar, and West Bengal.
Sanctioned violence: development and the persecution of women as witches in South Bihar
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Royall, Julia
Julia Royall was Deputy Director of SatelLife from 1991-94 and is now a Special Expert in the Office of Health Information Programs Development at the National Library of Medicine in the USA.
SatelLife - Linking information and people: the last ten centimetres
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Roys, Chris
Chris Roys worked for Save the Children in the UK and in Uganda, where he was a social-work adviser in Rakai District.
Widows' and orphans' property disputes: the impact of AIDS in Rakai District, Uganda
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Russell, Grahame
Grahame Russell is a Canadian human rights lawyer, educator, and activist and Director of Guatemala Partner in the USA.
All rights guaranteed - all actors accountable: poverty is a violation of human rights
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Hurricane Mitch and human rights
Volume 9, number 3, 1999
Sabatini, Christopher A.
Christopher A. Sabatini is Senior Program Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean at the National Endowment for Democracy.
Whom do international donors support in the name of civil society?
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Sacks, Rachel G
Rachel G Sacks formerly worked at the Population and Community Development Association (PDA) in Thailand.
Commercial sex and the single girl: women's empowerment through economic development in Thailand
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Samara, Noah A
Noah Samara is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of WorldSpace Corporation.
Information affluence for the developing world: the vision and work of WorldSpace
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Sánchez, Germana; Sandiford, Peter; Lankshear, Colin; Montenegro, María Martha and Cassel, Jeffrey
Germana Sánchez is a Medical Anthropologist at the Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud. Peter Sandiford is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Systems Development at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Colin Lankshear is Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education and Director of the Literacy Studies in Education Research Programme at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Maria Martha Montenegro is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua. Jeffrey Cassel is a Consultant Sociologist at the Instituto Centroamericano de la Salud in Managua, Nicaragua.
The Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade: How lasting were its benefits?
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Sandiford, Peter; Lankshear, Colin; Montenegro, María Martha; Sánchez, Germana; and Cassel, Jeffrey
Peter Sandiford is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Systems Development at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Colin Lankshear is Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education and Director of the Literacy Studies in Education Research Programme at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Maria Martha Montenegro is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua. Germana Sánchez is a Medical Anthropologist at the Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud. Jeffrey Cassel is a Consultant Sociologist at the Instituto Centroamericano de la Salud in Managua, Nicaragua.
The Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade: How lasting were its benefits?
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Sands, Geoff
Geoff Sands was involved with inner-city housing co-operatives in the UK before working in Nicaragua and El Salvador on self-build projects in rural war zones.
Reconstruction in El Salvador: the social relations of community self-build
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Sanger, Dan and Adamson, Mike
Dan Sanger was a Water and Sanitation Engineer and was based in Lesotho in 1994 and 1995 with the Lesotho Red Cross. Mike Adamson is Head of the International Development Department at the headquarters of the British Red Cross Society.
When relief and development programmes meet: a case-study from the Lesotho Red Cross
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Santiago S, Jorge
Jorge Santiago S. has worked among indigenous and peasant communities in southern Mexico for over 30 years. He is the coordinator of DESMI, an NGO that supports the efforts of such communities in the ways described in this paper.
Generating income for social change: a Mexican experiment in solidarity
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
A solidarity-based economy
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Sawyer, Ron and Breslin, Edward D
Ron Sawyer is one of the core creators of the PHAST approach and is executive director of SARAR Transformación SC, an international consulting group based in Mexico. Edward D. Breslin is Health and Hygiene Education Manager at the Mvula Trust, a South African NGO which supports rural water supply and sanitation development where he has been coordinating the PHAST-SA programme.
A participatory approach to community-based HIV/AIDS awareness
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Scanlon, Tom; Scanlon, Francesca and Nobre Lamarao, Maria Luiza
Maria Luiza Nobre Lamarao is a sociologist working with street children. Tom and Francesca Scanlon are medical doctors.
Working with street children
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Scheyvens, Regina
Regina Scheyvens lectures in Geography and Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand. Her current research and teaching interests focus on women's empowerment, local-level sustainable development initiatives, and gender issues in resource management. She has carried out fieldwork in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
'Engendering' environmental projects: the case of eco-timber production in the Solomon Islands
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Schmelkes, Sylvia
Professor Sylvia Schmelkes is a researcher at the Centre of Research and Advanced Studies at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico.
Basic learning needs of young people and adults in Latin America
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Schoonmaker Freudenberger, Karen
Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger is a consultant in international development.
Persistent pestles: paradoxes in assisting poor women with grain processing technologies in Sahelian West Africa
Volume 4, number 1, 1994
Schulman, Elizabeth D., Glenna H. Graves and Elena Domatov
Elizabeth Schulman, is an Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services, College of Allied Health Professions, University of Kentucky, and director of a US-Russia partnership project. She founded the Childrens Forget-Me-Not Foundation, Inc. to raise international awareness of, and practical aid for, children in developing countries.Glenna Graves is an adjunct professor at Morehead State University in Kentucky. She has done consulting work with the Peace Corps in Romania, UNICEF in Costa Rica, and Children of the Americas in Guatemala. Elena Domatov, originally from Uzbekistan, is a coordinator in the US-Russia partnership project at the College of Allied Health Professions Department, University of Kentucky.
Community-led development in practice: humanising institutions for children and older people in Russia
Volume 12, number 2, 2002
Schreiner, Mark
Mark Schreiner is a Post-doctoral Fellow of the Center for Social Development, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University. His work focuses on ways to improve access to small loans and to saving services for poor people in low-income countries and in the USA.
Formal RoSCAs in Argentina
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Informal finance and the design of microfinance
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Schuftan, Claudio
Claudio Schuftan is a Chilean medical doctor, specialising in food and nutrition planning and public health. He has worked in over 25 countries in Africa, and is now a Primary Health Care adviser in the Vietnamese Ministry of Health.
The Decade of the African Child
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Equity in health and economic globalisation
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Schuler, Sidney Ruth; Hashemi, Syed M and Badal, Shamsul Huda
Sidney Ruth Schuler is a social anthropologist researching at the time of writing, relationships between changing reproductive norms and changing gender relations in developing countries. Syed M. Hashemi is Professor of Economics at Jahangirnagar University, in Bangladesh. Shamsul Huda Badal is a researcher affiliated with the Development Research Centre in Bangladesh.
Men's violence against women in rural Bangladesh: undermined or exacerbated by microcredit programmes?
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Schunk, Javier and Martella, Paolo
Paolo Martella is a researcher and designer in scientific satellites and space applications. At Comunità Impegno Servizio Voluntariato (CISV) in Italy he volunteers as a member of the editorial staff of Volunteer for Development. Javier Schunk was born in Argentina, and coordinates the CISV project office, and works with the Federation of Christian Organisations of International Voluntary Service (FOCSIV), and the International Labour Organisation in training NGO programme managers.
Partnership: a new name in development cooperation
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Schuurman, Jur
Jur Schuurman is the coordinator of publicity of the Paulo Freire Foundation (PFS) in The Netherlands.
La Via Campesina at the crossroads
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Scoones, Ian and Graham, Olivia
Ian Scoones is an ecologist with experience in southern Africa. Olivia Graham worked for Oxfam GB for several years and co-founded the Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN).
New directions for pastoral development in Africa
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Scott-Villiers, Patta
Patta Scott-Villiers is a member of the Participation Group at the Institute of Development Studies, where she convenes the organisational change cluster. Before coming to IDS, she worked with NGOs and in the UN system for 13 years, mainly in Africa.
The struggle for organisational change: how the ActionAid Accountability, Learning and Planning System emerged
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Scurrah Martin J; Carroll, Thomas and Humphreys, Denise
Martin Scurrah is the head of the Spanish Discipline, Flinders University, Australia. Thomas Carroll is a Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, George Washington University in the USA. Denise Humphreys works for Catholic Relief Services in Bolivia.
Grassroots support organisations in Peru
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Sekasua, Sekiete; Crawford, David; Mambo, Michael; Mdimi, Zainab; Mkilya, Harriet; Mwambuzi, Anna; Mwiko, Matthias and Robinson, Dorcas
Sekiete Sekasua ,David Crawford, Michael Mambo, Zainab Mdimi, Harriet Mkilya, Anna Mwanbuziu and Matthias Mwiko are all currently based at Health Projects Abroad in Tanzania.
A day in the life of a development manager
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Sen, Purna
Purna Sen has worked for several years on violence against women, both as a researcher and as an activist. She is a member of the management committee of Southall Black Sisters and the UK advisory group for the NGO Change, has taught development studies and gender studies, and worked on race and gender equality in the UK.
Networks, support groups, and domestic violence
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Domestic violence, deportation, and women's resistance: notes on managing inter-sectionality
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
de Senillosa, Ignacio
Ignacio de Senillosa was a medical doctor who worked at Intermón until his death in 1998.
Beyond NGDOs: is Utopia still viable
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
A new age of social movements: a fifth generation of non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs) in the making?
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Seyf, Ahmad
Ahmad Seyf teaches in the Economics Division at Staffordshire University. His main research interests include globalisation and international political economy. He has published on the political economy of the Middle East, especially on Iran, and is currently preparing a book for publication in Persian on structural adjustment programmes.
Corruption and development: a study of conflict
Volume 11, number 5, 2001
Shackman, Jane and Reynolds, Jill
Jill Reynolds is a lecturer at the Open University (UK) in the School of Health, Welfare and Community Education. Jane Shackman is a social worker at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture in London, UK.
Training indigenous workers in mental-health care
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Shannon, Sarah and Metcalf, Elena
Prior to becoming the Executive Director of the Hesperian Foundation, Sarah Shannon spent 15 years in Central America working in public health, health education, and popular management training. In 1994, she was awarded UNHCR' s prestigious Asturias Prize for her training and technical assistance to repatriated refugee women in El Salvador. Elena Metcalf is a primary health care provider and a senior editor at the Hesperian Foundation. She has trained dozens of lay health workers and worked on numerous community-based health and development projects in the USA and in Central and South America.
Prescription for underdevelopment
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Sharma, Shalendra D
Shalendra D. Sharma is Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco, USA.
Agricultural growth and 'trickle-down' reconsidered: evidence from rural India
Volume 7, number 3, 1997
Shrestha, Anita and Poudel, Meena
Anita Shrestha and Meena Poudel work on women's reproductive rights at WATCH in Nepal.
Dealing with Hidden Issues: Trafficked Women in Nepal
Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Simard, Paule
Paule Simard works at the Centre Sahel of the University of Laval in Quebec, a multi-disciplinary research centre on the Sahelian region.
Assessing autonomy among Sahelian women: an analytical framework for women's production work
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Simons, Anthony J; John C. Weber, Carmen Sotelo Montes, Héctor Vidaurre, Ian K. Dawson
All the authors are with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Anthony J. Simons is based at ICRAF headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya where he heads ICRAFs Domestication of Agroforestry Tree Programme and manages its Genetic Resources of Agroforestry Trees Unit. For full author details see Weber.
Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Simpson, Graeme
Graeme Simpson is Director of the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) in South Africa.
Reconstruction and reconciliation: emerging from transition
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Singh, Naresh and Meyer, Marion
Marion N. Meyer and Naresh C. Singh work at International Institute for Sustainable Development in Canada
Two approaches to evaluating the outcomes of development projects
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Sizoo, Edith
Edith Sizoo is International Coordinator for the European branch of the South North Network Cultures and Development, a network that fosters international and cross-cultural communication, joint research, training, and other forms of mutual support; placing culture (values, symbols, organisational forms, and skills) at the heart of development. Its journal Quid Pro Quo is published in English and French.
Moving beyond disparities: a yin-yang approach to gender and development
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Slim, Hugo
Hugo Slim is Senior Lecturer in International Humanitarianism at Oxford Brookes University, a Trustee of Oxfam GB, and an International Adviser to the British Red Cross. He previously worked for the British NGO, Save the Children (SCF).
What is development?
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Relief agencies and moral standing in war: principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and solidarity
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Dissolving the difference between humanitarianism and development: the mixing of a rights-based solution
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Smith, Jillaine
Jillaine Smith is Senior Associate at the Benton Foundation (www.benton.org) and has been helping NGOs make appropriate use of computer and communications technology for over ten years.
Global Knowledge: a US NGO perspective
Volume 8, number 1, 1998
Smyth, Ines
Ines Smyth is an anthropologist and works as a gender specialist for Oxfam GB.
Population Policy and Reproductive Choice in South Asia
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Snel, Mariëlle
Mariëlle Snel is an urban and regional planner with experience especially in the area of solid waste management and is based at the Water, Engineering and Development Centre at Loughborough University in the UK.
An innovative community-based waste disposal scheme in Hyderabad
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Sobhan, Babar and Lewis, David
Babar Sobhan is a research student at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge working on NGOs and donor relationships in Bangladesh. David Lewis is a Lecturer at the Centre for Voluntary Organisation at the London School of Economics where he is Course Convenor of the MSc in Management of NGOs.
Routes of funding, roots of trust? Northern NGOs, Southern NGOs, donors, and the rise of direct funding
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Sogge, David
David Sogge is an independent consultant based in The Netherlands and is a Fellow of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. He is editor of Compassion and Calculation: The Business of Private Foreign Aid (1996) and Mozambique: Perspectives on Aid and the Civil Sector (1997).
ICVA' s near-death experience: temptation and redemption in the ' Humanitarian International'
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Sollis, Peter
Peter Sollis works at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC. He previously worked in the Latin America and Caribbean department of Oxfam GB.
Multilateral agencies, NGOs, and policy reform
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Did the project fail? A community perspective on a participatory primary health care project in Ecuador
(written with Caroline Moser, for author details see Moser)
Volume 1, number 1, 1991
Solomon, Marla J. and A. Mushtaque R. Chowdhury
Marla J. Solomon is Associate Dean and Programme Director, Programmes in Intercultural, Service, Leadership, and Management at the School for International Training.
Mushtaque R. Chowdhury is Director of BRAC’s Research and Evaluation Division.
Knowledge to action: evaluation for learning in a multi-organisational global partnership
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Somavía, Juan
Before taking up his current post as Director of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Juan Somavía was Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations, and served in this capacity on the UN Security Council during 1996-97. He was Chair of the 1995 World Summit for Social Development.
The humanitarian responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council: ensuring the security of the people
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Sotelo Montes, Carmen; John C. Weber, Héctor Vidaurre, Ian K. Dawson, and Anthony J. Simons
All the authors are with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Ms Carmen Sotelo Montes, Dr John C. Weber, and Mr Héctor Vidaurre are based in Pucallpa, Peru, where they conduct research and training on participatory domestication of agroforestry trees in Latin America, especially in the Peruvian Amazon Basin. They are working with farming communities to develop and implement strategies for the sustainable use and conservation of tree genetic resources. For full author details see Weber.
Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Sparrow, Jane
Jane Sparrow worked for Save the Children Fund (UK) in Kenya.
A child-care open learning programme in Uganda
Volume 2, number 2, 1992
Spray, Paul
Paul Spray was at time of writing Head of Policy, Campaigns and Information at Christian Aid in London.
The World Bank's poverty strategy
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Starrs, Ann M.
Ann M. Starrs is Vice President of Family Care International in the USA.
In support of Where Women Have No Doctor
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
Stein, Barry N and Cuny, Frederick C.
Barry Stein is a Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University. He has published extensively on refugee-related subjects, and has also served as a consultant to the UNHCR on the subject of returnee aid and development. Frederick C Cuny was Director of the US NGO Intertect and was working in Chechnya at the time of his death.
Refugee repatriation during conflict: protection and post-return assistance
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Stewart, Sheelagh and Moore, Mick
Sheelagh Stewart was a co-founder of the Musasa Project, dedicated to changing public and police responses to ' domestic violence' in Harare, Zimbabwe. She has since completed research at IDS on the effect of foreign funding on indigenous NGOs in Nepal and Zimbabwe. Mick Moore is a Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, and works on the political and institutional dimensions of development policy and practice.
Corporate Governance for NGOs?
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Steyn, Lala and Bosch, Dawie
Lala Steyn is the research co-ordinator of the Surplus People Project (SPP), which was formed to assist communities resisting forced removals and engaged in various land struggles in South Africa. Dawie Bosch is a lawyer focusing on the labour rights of agricultural workers.
South Africa in transition: Lessons for land reform from Brazil, Bolivia and Chile
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Storey, Andy
Andy Storey is a lecturer at the Development Studies Centre, Kimmage Manor, Dublin, Ireland. He previously worked as an NGO researcher and campaigner, and as a development worker in Rwanda.
Calculating food-aid cost-effectiveness: evidence from Ethiopia
(written with Jim Fitzpatrick, for author details see Fitzpatrick)
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
The ethics of immigration controls: issues for development NGOs
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Non-neutral humanitarianism: NGOs and the Rwanda crisis
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
The World Bank, neo-liberalism, and power: discourse analysis and implications for campaigners
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Strachan, Peter
Peter Strachan formerly worked for Oxfam GB in Sudan.
Handing over an operational project to community management in North Darfur, Sudan
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Strauss, Robert; Crayne, Richard and Hyman, Eric L
Robert Strauss and Richard Crayne are consultants with Development Alternatives Inc., in Washington DC, USA. Eric L. Hyman is a Programme Economist with Appropriate Technology International (ATI) also in Washington DC.
An enterprise development-strategy for Zambia
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Stubbs, Josefina
Josefina Stubbs studied psychology at the University of Santo Domingo and holds a postgraduate degree in development policies and strategies from the ISS in The Netherlands. She worked for Oxfam GB in various capacities for over ten years.
Gender in development: a long haul - but we' re getting there!
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Subrahmanian, Ramya
Ramya Subrahmanian is currently studying for a PhD in development studies at The Open University. Her research focuses on the concepts and management strategies underpinning primary education in rural Karnataka, India. Her previous experience includes gender training for NGOs, the Government of India, and international organisations; international advocacy on women's human rights; and consultancy work in monitoring and evaluation from a gender perspective.
Matching services with local preferences: managing primary education services in a rural district of India
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Summerfield, Derek
Derek Summerfield is a medical doctor with first-hand experience of war in Central America and Southern Africa. He is a research associate at Queen Elizabeth House at the University of Oxford and works for The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture in London.
The psychosocial effects of conflict in the Third World
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
Assisting survivors of war and atrocity: notes on `psychosocial' issues for NGO workers
Volume 5, number 4, 1995
Sundari Ravindran, T. K.
T. K. Sundari Ravindran is a founding member of Rural Women's Social Education Centre, Tamil Nadu, India a rural women's organisation concerned with women's health.
Research on women's health: some methodological issues
Volume 2, number 3, 1992
Tábora, Rocío
Rocío Tábora is Director of COMUNICA (Centro de Comunicación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo) in Honduras.
An education programme for peasant women in Honduras
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Tadele, Feleke
Feleke Tadele is a social anthropologist who was at the time of writing Oxfam GB' s Programme Manager in Ethiopia. He has worked with Oxfam GB since 1992, focusing on community development, civil rights, gender, and microfinance.
Barter in practice: a case study of liwac transaction in Addis Ababa
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Defining local needs: A community diagnostic survey in Wollayita Region, Ethiopia
(written with Yezichalem Kassa, for author details see Kassa)
Volume 5, number 3, 1995
Tallontire, Anne
Anne Tallontire is a research assistant at the Natural Resources Institute, where she is part of the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade team.
Partnerships in fair trade: reflections from a case study of Cafédirect
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Tan, Michael L
Michael Tan is an anthropologist. He is executive director of a health and development NGO, Health Action International Network (HAIN). He is Associate Professor at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City, Philippines.
Electronic information: promise and peril
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Tandon, Rajesh
Rajesh Tandon is Executive Director of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) and Chairperson of the International Forum on Capacity Building, and is a leading thinker and writer on issues concerning NGOs and civil society.
Riding high or nosediving: development NGOs in the new millenium
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Tareen, Ehsan Ullah and Omar, Mayeh Abu
Dr Ehsan Ullah Tareen is Project Director of The Health Care Development Project in the Department of Health of the Government of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Dr Mayeh Abu Omar is a Teaching Fellow at Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds, UK.
Empowerment at village level through a workshop method
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Tegegn, Melakou
Development and Patronage
At the time of writing Melakou Tegegn was a Senior Lecturer at El Taller, Addis Ababa and is an Editorial Adviser for Development in Practice.
Introductory essay in the Reader Development and Patronage, published by Oxfam GB in1997
Thekaekara, Stan
Stan Thekaekara is Director of Action for Community Organisation, Rehabilitation and Development in India.
Does Matson matter? Assessing the impact of a UK neighbourhood project
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
Thomas, Alan
Alan Thomas is Director of the Centre for Complexity and Change at The Open University in the UK and Senior Lecturer in Development Policy and Practice.
What makes good development management?
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Thomas, Stephen
Stephen Thomas worked from 1988 to 1991 for Save the Children Fund in Mozambique.
Sustainability in NGO relief and development work: further thoughts from Mozambique
Volume 2, number 1, 1992
Thompson, Martha
Martha Thompson worked in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1979-1999 and has been on the staff of Oxfam GB and Oxfam Canada as well as other NGOs in Central America.
Empowerment and survival: humanitarian work in civil conflict
Part One Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Empowerment and survival: humanitarian work in civil conflict Part Two
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Transition in El Salvador: a multi-layered process
Volume 7, number 4, 1997
Thul, Elizabeth; Baptist, William; Honkala, Cheri; Goldstein, Richard and Grugan, Patrick
Elizabeth Thul originally worked for American Re-Insurance Company but became a social worker following studies in Israel and the USA. Both are founding members of SWEPT. William Baptist is at Kensington Welfare Rights Union. Cheri Honkala is the founder and Executive Director of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), Co-Chair of the National Welfare Rights Union, a co-founder of the Up and Out of Poverty Now! Coalition. She has been a homeless single mother and welfare recipient, as well as being a trained social worker, and is an author and playwright. Richard Goldstein, a former businessman, worked for 20 years with small, for-profit enterprises and with low-income workers. He then re-trained as a social worker and is now a community organiser and human rights educator engaged in movement-building work with poor people, social workers, and other social activists. Patrick Grugan works with the Underground Railroad Project.
Globalisation and homelessness in the USA: building a social movement to end poverty
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Ticehurst, Simon
Simon Ticehurst works for Oxfam GB in Latin America.
Social policy reform and participation in Latin America: the Bolivian experiment
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Tiffen, Pauline
Pauline Tiffen works in mainstream and alternative business, cooperative and community development, North and South, and has over 15 years’ experience in the alternative sector, in both traditional and non-traditional commodities, across three continents. Her work shows that new institutions and mechanisms for cross-cultural exchange and business collaboration of scale are feasible and have considerable social impact. She is currently Operations Adviser to the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management Secretariat based at the World Bank and her non-executive trustee/directorships include the New Economics Foundation, Gateway Trust, the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, and the Day Chocolate Company.
A chocolate-coated case for alternative international business models
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Tuwei, Paul; Charles Wambugu, Steven Franzel, and George Karanja
Paul Tuwei is an agroforester working for the Kenya Forestry Research Institute. For full author details see Wambugu.
Scaling up the use of fodder shrubs in central Kenya
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Tolfree, David
David Tolfree was at time of writing based at The Save the Children Fund in London.
Alternatives to residential care for children
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Children, conflict, and displacement
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Topgyal, Tsering
Tsering Topgyal is Chief Planning Officer at the Planning Council of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Fisher, Thomas; Mahajan, Vijay; and Vijay Mahajan founded an NGO (PRADAN) in 1983 to promote rural livelihoods. Thomas Fisher works at New Economics Foundation in London.
Institutional development in practice: a case-study from the Tibetan refugee community
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Trivedy, H. Roy
H. Roy Trivedy is the programme director for Save the Children (UK) in Mozambique.
NGOs in a Global Future
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
Twigg, John and Diane Steiner
John Twigg is a Research Fellow at University College London specialising in organisational aspects of sustainable development, especially in non-profit organisations. Diane Steiner was an independent researcher on the study discussed in this paper and is now Manager of the Centre for Intergenerational Practice at the Beth Johnson Foundation, Stoke-on-Trent.
Mainstreaming disaster mitigation: challenges to organisational learning in NGOs
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Tyndale, Wendy
Wendy Tyndale is the Coordinator for the Faiths of the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD) and was previously head of Christian Aid' s Latin America and Caribbean Department and worked for the agency in Guatemala from 1995-97.
Faith and economics in 'development' : a bridge across the chasm?
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Uc Reyes, Carlos, Blanca Díaz, Alejandro Ayala, and Jeremy Haggar
Carlos Uc Reyes and Blanca Díaz worked with ICRAF and are based in Chetumal in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. For full author details see Haggar.
Participatory design of agroforestry systems: developing farmer participatory research methods in Mexico
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Ukway,i J.K., and C. O. Izugbara
J. K. Ukwayi is based at the University of Calabar, Nigeria, and C. O. Izugbara is based at the University of Uyo, Nigeria.
Conceptual issues in Nigerias gender-specific rural poverty alleviation strategy
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Unia, Pramod
Pramod Unia was working for Oxfam GB at time of writing before joining The Save the Children Fund in London.
Social action group strategies in the Indian sub-continent
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
UNRISD carries out multi-disciplinary studies on the social problems of development, in collaboration with a global network of scholars and research institutes. More information and a list of publications available from the Reference Centre, UNRISD, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva. Web: www.unrisd.org
A conference on social dynamics of deforestation in developing countries
Volume 2, number 1, 1992
Van Brabant, Koenraad
Koenraad Van Brabant is a research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London, UK.
Analysis and advocacy on a European policy on conflict prevention: A viewpoint
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Van Brabant, Koenraad
Koenraad Van Brabant is a research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute in London, UK..
Civil society and substantive democracy: governance and the state of law in Belgium
Volume 8, number 4, 1998
Van Rooy, Alison
Alison Van Rooy is Senior Researcher at the North-South Institute where she works on issues of civil society, democratisation, and good governance, including current work on non-governmental voices in multilateral organisations. A former Rhodes Scholar and Research Fellow at the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, she holds degrees from the universities of Trent, Dublin, and Oxford.
Good news! You may be out of a job: Reflections on the past and future 50 years for Northern NGOs
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
van Steenbergen, Frank and Rajeshwar Mishra
Both authors have been working since 1995 as team leader and coordinator for the North Bengal Terai Development Project. Rajeshwar Mishra is the chairperson of the Centre for Development of Human Initiatives. Frank van Steenbergen is a consultant with Arcadis Euroconsult.
A trail-finding project: lessons in project design
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Varghese, Shiney
Shiney Varghese worked for the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) as a grassroots development worker and for Oxfam GB in West Orissa, focusing on gender issues.
Women, resistance, and development: a case study from Dangs, India
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Ver Beek, Kurt Alan
Kurt Alan Ver Beek is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Calvin College and also Director of Programmes in Honduras, where he has a particular interest in the assembly-plant and shrimp-farming industries, critiques of child sponsorship, and issues relating to spirituality and development.
Spirituality: a development taboo
Volume 10, number 1, 2000
Verneirt, Marc; Devuyst, Dimitri; Buys, Jos and Hens, Luc
Marc Verneirt, Dmitri Devuyst and Luc Hens work at the Human Ecology Department, Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. Jos Buys works for the Belgian Agency for Development Co-operation in Brussels.
Testing environmental impacts of development projects
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Vidaurre, Héctor; John C. Weber, Carmen Sotelo Montes, , Ian K. Dawson, and Anthony J. Simons
All the authors are with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Mr Héctor Vidaurre, Dr John C. Weber, and Ms Carmen Sotelo Montes are based in Pucallpa, Peru, where they conduct research and training on participatory domestication of agroforestry trees in Latin America, especially in the Peruvian Amazon Basin. They are working with farming communities to develop and implement strategies for the sustainable use and conservation of tree genetic resources. For full author details see Weber.
Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Vincent, Fernand
Fernand Vincent was Secretary General of RAFAD, and was formerly Secretary General of the Pan-African Institute for Development (PAID), and of Development Innovations and Networks (IRED). He recently founded ACCESS and has written extensively on management and alternative financing.
Guaranteeing development: an approach to financing economic activities
Volume 7, number 2, 1997
Voss, Jon E and Reinert, Kenneth A
Kenneth A Reinert teaches economics and international development at Kalamazoo College in Michigan, USA. Jon E Voss has a long-standing interest and involvement in Haitian economic development and is based in Illinois, USA.
Ignored Capabilities: Rural Grassroots Organisations in Haiti
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Waghorne, Mike
Mike Waghorne is Assistant General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI), an international federation of public sector trade unions with 520 unions in 140 countries representing 20 million workers.
Public sector trade unions in the face of privatisation
Volume 9, number 5, 1999
de Waal, Alex
Alex de Waal is author of The Famine That Kills: Darfur, Sudan, 1984-1985 (OUP 1989) and is Co-Director of the London-based Africa Rights.
Famine and human rights,
Volume 1, number 2, 1991
Wallace, Marshall
The learning process of the Local Capacities for Peace Project
Volume 12, numbers 3 and 4, 2002
Wallace, Tina
Tina Wallace has taught at Makerere University in Uganda and Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria. More recently, she worked for World University Service (WUS), Oxfam (GB), ACORD, and ACTIONAID, specializing in gender and evaluation. She is based at Oxford Brookes University in the UK.
Institutionalizing gender in UK NGOs
Volume 8, number 2, 1998
Development management and the aid chain: the case of NGOs
Introductory essay in the Reader Development and Management, published by Oxfam GB in 2000
Wambugu, Charles; Steven Franzel, Paul Tuwei, and George Karanja
Charles Wambugu is dissemination facilitator at ICRAF, working in the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Systemwide Livestock Programme project on Utilisation of Forage Legume Biodiversity. Steven Franzel is a principal agricultural economist with ICRAF, based in Nairobi. Working in participatory technology development, he provides backup assistance to agroforestry research and dissemination teams throughout the tropics at sites where ICRAF works. Paul Tuwei is an agroforester working for the Kenya Forestry Research Institute and George Karanja is a forage agronomist working for the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute.
Scaling up the use of fodder shrubs in central Kenya
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Waran, Brenda and Waran, Natalie
Brenda C. Waran and Natalie Waran live in the UK.
Release of the Poor through Education in Tamil Nadu, India
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Waran, Natalie and Waran, Brenda
Natalie Waran and Brenda C. Waran live in the UK.
Release of the Poor through Education in Tamil Nadu, India
Volume 3, number 2, 1993
Watkins, Ben
Ben Watkins worked at the International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford.
Food aid, scarce resources, and difficult decisions
Volume 2, number 1, 1992
Watts, Michael
Michael Watts taught at the University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 1993/4 and is now a Tutor in the School of Education and Professional Development at the University of East Anglia, UK. His current interests include: the educational systems of Cambodia, Egypt, and Malawi; drama in education; democratic change in the classroom; the construction of teachers identities; and development education in the UK.
Should they be committed? motivating volunteers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Watson, Thomas and Castelloe, Paul
Thomas Watson and Paul Castelloe are Co-Directors of the Center for Participatory Change in the USA.
The Participatory Change Process: a capacity building model from a US NGO
Volume 10, number 2, 2000
Webb, Douglas and Paquette, Stefan
Douglas Webb is a freelance consultant working with Save the Children UK on designing and evaluating programmes to address HIV/AIDS. His research focuses on HIV epidemiology and the impacts of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. He has also worked with UNICEF in Zambia and Mozambique and with SAfAIDS. Stefan Paquette is programme manager for Project Concern International in Lusaka.
The potential role of food aid in mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS: the case of Zambia
Volume 10, number 5, 2000
Weber, John C; Carmen Sotelo Montes, Héctor Vidaurre, Ian K. Dawson, and Anthony J. Simons
All the authors are with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Dr John C. Weber, Ms Carmen Sotelo Montes and Mr Héctor Vidaurre are based in Pucallpa, Peru, where they conduct research and training on participatory domestication of agroforestry trees in Latin America, especially in the Peruvian Amazon Basin. They are working with farming communities to develop and implement strategies for the sustainable use and conservation of tree genetic resources. Ian K. Dawson and Anthony J. Simons are based at ICRAF headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, where Dr Dawson is a geneticist responsible for a wide range of germplasm-related activities and Dr Simons heads ICRAFs Domestication of Agroforestry Tree Programme and manages its Genetic Resources of Agroforestry Trees Unit.
Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon
Volume 11, number 4, 2001
Wells, Duncan
Duncan Wells is the Informatics Development Coordinator at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK.
Introducing computers into development programmes: some problems and suggested solutions
Volume 3, number 1, 1993
Werner, David
David Werner is a founder and member of the Board of Directors of Healthwrights, a non-profit group working for peoples health and rights. A well-known health activist, particularly in relation to disability, he is author of the worldwide best-seller, Where There Is No Doctor.
Struggle for sustainable human and environmental well-being on the Mexican coast of Oaxaca
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Wesson, Kate
Kate Wesson is an educational adviser working for an organisation in Dhaka that aims to increase the number of women teachers in rural secondary schools, and works with teacher training colleges to improve the quality of education and girls access to it. She has undertaken research in education and health sectors.
A situational assessment study of acid violence in Bangladesh
Volume 12, number 1, 2002
Westendorff, David and Dey, Krishno
David Westendorff is a Research Fellow at UNRISD in Geneva , Switzerland. Krishno Dey, formerly with United Nations Volunteers (UNV), now lives in India.
Getting down to ground level: a community perspective on social development
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
Werna, Edmundo
Edmundo Werna was previously at the University of São Paulo and at the South Bank University in UK, and is now at UNVs head office in Germany.
Urban management and public service-provision in Chittagong, Nairobi, and Sao Paulo
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Whaites, Alan
Alan Whaites is Director for Policy and Advocacy at World Vision International and previously worked at World Vision UK.
Let' s get civil society straight: NGOs and political theory
Volume 6, number 3, 1996
NGOs, civil society and the state: avoiding theoretical extremes in real world issues
Volume 8, number 3, 1998
Pursuing partnership: World Vision and the ideology of development - a case study
Volume 9, number 4, 1999
NGOs, disasters, and advocacy: caught between the Prophet and the Shepherd Boy
Volume 10, number 3-4, 2000
White, Sarah C
Sarah C. White teaches social science at the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia in the UK.
Depoliticising development: the uses and abuses of participation
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Whitehead, Christine
Christine Whitehead worked in Latin America for many years, and subsequently for Oxfam GB until her untimely death in 1998.
Emergency Social Funds: the experience of Bolivia and Peru
Volume 5, number 1, 1995
Whiteside, Martin
Martin Whiteside was at time of writing Chief Technical Adviser for the Mozambique Government's National Environment Commission.
Sustainable farming programme in Malawi
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Realistic rehabilitation: linking relief and development in Mozambique
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Wickramanayake, Ebel
Dr Ebel Wickramanayake is an Assistant Professor in Urban and Regional Development at the Human Settlements Development Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Project planning with people's participation
Volume 4, number 3, 1994
Women workers in the garment industry in Dhaka, Bangladesh
(written with Rumana Jamaly, for author details see Jamaly)
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Wield, David
David Wield is Head of Discipline in Development Policy and Practice at The Open University in the UK.
Tools for project development within a public action framework
Volume 9, numbers 1 & 2, 1999
Wijesundera, D
D. Wijesundera is Assistant General Manager in charge of Development and Project Finance at Hatton National Bank Limited, 285 Galle Road, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka.
Small and micro enterprise in Sri Lanka: bringing the bankers to the people
Volume 6, number 2, 1996
Wilshaw, Rachel
Rachel Wilshaw works in the Fair Trade department of Oxfam GB.
The role of marketing in income generation: two case studies
Volume 1, number 3, 1991
Wilson, Gordon
Gordon Wilson is Staff Tutor in Technology at the Open University.
Technological capability, NGOs, and small-scale development projects
Volume 5, number 2, 1995
Witter, Sophie
Sophie Witter was, until 1992, Deputy Director of SCF (UK) in Vietnam.
Mangrove planting in Vietnam
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Zaman, Hasan
Hasan Zaman is a Senior Staff Economist at BRAC in Bangladesh.
Questioning the critics: the case of BRAC and other credit programmes in Bangladesh
Volume 7, number 1, 1997
Zeitlyn, Jonathan
Jonathan Zeitlyn lived in Bangladesh until his untimely death.
Development information flow
Volume 4, number 2, 1994
Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza is Professor of History and African Studies and Director of the Center for African Studies of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the USA.
Manufacturing and consuming knowledge: African libraries and publishing Volume 6, number 4, 1996
Zetter, Roger
Roger Zetter is Head of the School of Planning at Oxford Brookes University and a Research Associate at the Refugee Studies Programme at the University of Oxford, where he is the Editor of Journal of Refugee Studies.
Indigenous NGOs and refugee assistance: some lessons from Malawi and Zimbabwe
Volume 6, number 1, 1996
Zúñiga, María Hamlin
Mariá Hamlin Zúñiga, MPH, is Director of CISAS (Information Centre and Advisory Services in Health) in Nicaragua.
The International People's Health Council
Volume 3, number 1, 1993