Photo illustrating development in practice

Articles authored by Tate, Janice


The British government has increasingly assumed the role of international arbiter and peacekeeper, both with and without a UN mandate. The hijacking of the moral high ground and recurrent assertion of global consensus - even in the presence of overwhelming opposition - reveals a disregard for the integrity of cultural diversity and opinion. Often `humanitarian' concerns have been used to justify military intervention, and the promise of aid is used to deflect dissent. Based on her experiences as an aid worker in post-conflict Kosovo, the author makes two central points.
Participatory approaches have become increasingly popular in international development. Although traditionally associated with small non-governmental projects they are increasingly used by governmental and international organisations such as the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the World Bank. This article - focusing on a small health agent project in Amazonas Brazil - challenges the assumption that participation inexorably empowers and argues that culturally inappropriate participation may be used to legitimise prescriptive intervention.