Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Martine, George;
McGranahan, Gordon;
Montgomery, Mark;
Fernandez-Castilla, Rogelio;
McKee, Neil, Erma Manoncourt, Chin Saik Yoon, and Rachel Carnegie (eds.)
Mears, Catherine and Sue Chowdhury
Meier, Gerald M. and Joseph E Stiglitz (eds.)
Memmi, Albert, introduced by Jean-Paul Sartre and with a new introduction by Nadine Gordimer
Miguel, Edward
Mills, Anne; Bennett, Sara; Russell, Steven
Martine, George;
McGranahan, Gordon;
Montgomery, Mark;
Fernandez-Castilla, Rogelio;
Collins, Daryl
Morduch, Jonathan
Rutherford, Stuart
Ruthven, Orlanda
Mundigo, Alex and Cynthia Indriso
Murthy, Ranjani K and Lakshmi Sankaran