Review Essay

Peace building: a literature review

A critical review of five contrasting publications on peace building, including the 2004 UN report A More Secure World.
Cutter, Ana

Democratic decentralisation and local participation: a review of recent research

This review essay analyses three recent works on the relationship between democracy and decentralisation, with a focus on local participation and empowerment: Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa: Participation, Accountability and Performance (Richard Crook and James Manor), Good Government in the Tropics (Judith Tendler), and a thematic issue of the European Journal of Development Research on `Democratic Decentralisation through a Natural Resource Lens: Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America', edited by Anne M. Larson and Jesse C. Ribot.
Bergh, Sylvia

Decentralisation and democracy in developing countries: an overview

This overview draws on selected theoretical and empirical works to explore the links between decentralisation and democracy and their impact on participation and empowerment at the local level. Understanding decentralisation as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, the author argues that its potential benefits can be realised only when complementary policies and specific national or local conditions are in place.
Pius Kulipossa, Fidelx
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