Reviewed by Kelly Currah, World Vision International
Reviewed by Johan Saravanamuttu, School of Social Sciences, Science Univeristy of Malaysia
Reviewed by rebecca Buell, Head of Regional Policy, Oxfam GB
Reviewed by Peter N. Prove Lutheran World Fedderation, Geneva (the opinions expressed in this review are the author's own).
Reviewed by Wilder Robles, Langara College, Vancouver
Reviewed by Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara, UNRISD, Switzerland
In English only
Knut G. Nustad
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Reviewed by Mary Kaldor
Programme Director, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, LSE
reviewed by Yahia H. Zoubir, Thunderbird Europe, French-Geneva Center
Reviewed by Ekatherina Papagianni, Columbia University, USA
Reviewed by Kelly Currah, World Vision International