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Protecting children from trafficking in Benin: in need of politics and participation

This paper critically examines policy in Benin against child trafficking. Drawing on interviews and participant observation with adolescent labour migrants and their communities, it problematises both the assumptions underpinning anti-trafficking policy ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2012-06-13 15:57

Addressing dependency with faith and hope: the Eagles Relief and Development Programme of the Living Waters church in Malawi

The evolution and achievements of the Eagles Relief and Development Programme in Malawi are inspired and influenced by Christian values. The strength of Eagles comes from its integration of religious teaching and values with the way it works and from it ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2012-07-12 14:00

Improving NGO governance: practical applications of the GATE approach

Non-governmental organisations face increasing demands to be accountable and transparent. Both need sound and timely evidence. Ensuring that these demands are satisfied is a key responsibility of governance, but fulfilling this requirement is a frequent ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2013-02-25 16:13

Reflections on NGOs in Tanzania: what we are, what we are not, and what we ought to be

NGOs and social activists run the risk of following the policy directions favoured by foreign donor agencies to the detriment of their own organisational and moral capacity to act in solidarity with those whose interests they claim to support. With specif ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:41

Using Key Informant Monitoring in Safe Motherhood Programming in Nepal

The article discusses the methodology and application of the Key Informant Monitoring (KIM) tool as used by the Nepal Safer Motherhood Project (NSMP). NSMP aims to achieve sustained increase in the uptake of midwifery and essential obstetric care services ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:45

Evaluating gender mainstreaming in development projects

Gender mainstreaming was established in the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action as a major strategy for the promotion of gender equality. As a development strategy, gender mainstreaming requires attention to gender perspectives, making them visible and showi ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:48

Dimensions, manifestations, and perceptions of gender equity: the experiences of Gram Vikas

Concerns about gender equity have been at the fore of discussions and analysis of NGO interventions and action since the 1970s. Gender equity, defined as equal rights to access, opportunity, and participation for men and women, has always been a distinc ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:51

Women and war: protection through empowerment in El Salvador

Author:  Eade, Deborah Author:  Thompson, Martha ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-10-01 10:02

Memory, suffering, survival tactics, and healing among Jopadhola women in post-war Uganda

This ethnographic case study addresses the question of how women in Jopadhola patriarchal society in Eastern Uganda remember three decades of civil war and violence and survived its aftermath. When the war ended, little changed for these women, who are ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:34

Unstabilised earth-brick vaults and domes in the Sahel

The author reports on a workshop on `Construction sans Bois' (woodless construction) jointly run by Development Workshop and IUCN (The World Conservation Union) and held in Agadez, northern Niger, in December 1991. After giving a brief history of these `N ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:39