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Deborah Eade
Introductory Essay
In the line of fire: development in conflict
Stephen Commins
Operationality in turbulence: the need for a change
Chris Roche
Breaking the cycle of violence: doing development in situations of conflict
Linda Agerbak
Famine and human rights
Alex de Waal
‘Dancing with the prince’: NGOs' survival strategies in the Afghan conflict
Jonathan Goodhand with Peter Chamberlain
The role of Salvadorean NGOs in post-war reconstruction
Francisco Alvarez Solis and Pauline Martin
Children of war in the Philippines
Hans Buwalda
Training indigenous workers in mental-health care
Jane Shackman and Jill Reynolds
The United Nations speaks out on forced evictions
Miloon Kothari
Assisting survivors of war and atrocity: notes on 'psycho-social' issues for NGO workers
Derek Summerfield
Supporting education in emergencies: a case study from southern Sudan
Alison Joyner
Family tracing: in whose interests?
Lucy Bonnerjea
Annotated Bibliography