Narrow down by keywords: Gender and diversity
- Globalization and Social Exclusion A Transformationalist Perspective
Author: Ronaldo Munck Publisher: Bloomfield, CT, Kumarian Press, 2005, ISBN 1 ...
Book review - admin - 2009-10-18 20:57
- Gender mainstreaming in organisational culture and agricultural research processes
Despite increased attention to gender issues in the international development arena since the rise of feminism in the 1970s, few agricultural research organisations have integrated gender in their problem diagnosis and technology development. Gender mai ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2011-08-05 15:50
- From paternalism to participation: the motivations and understandings of the “developers”
Recently there has been a shift in development discourse from ideas of paternalism to those of participation. Set within the framework of a postmodern critique of development, this paper questions the assumption that the ideas of development still exist ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2012-11-27 12:51
- Gender equity and social capital in smallholder farmer groups in central Mozambique
This case study from Búzi district, Mozambique investigated whether gender equality, in terms of male and female participation in groups, leads to gender equity in sharing of benefits from the social capital created through the group. Exploring the comple ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:34
- An education programme for peasant women in Honduras
This paper introduces the PAEM, a programme working with Christian women in the rural parishes of Santa Barbara, Colon, Comayagua, Intibuca, and Lempira, all departments of Honduras. PAEM has a number of overall aims, which include to bringing together th ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:53
- The right to protection from sexual assault: the Indian anti-rape campaign
The author discusses her involvement, as a member of the Indian Women's Movement (IWM), in campaigning for increased protection under Indian law for women, and children, from sexual assault of any kind. The law at present has large gaps in it, and is form ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:56
- The use of donkeys in the central highlands of Mexico: a gender perspective
A historical study of migratory patterns in central Mexico shows that rural communities have seen shifts in population ratios as well as in the type of activities and responsibilities undertaken by men and women. This has also affected women's use of live ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:01
- Organisational change from two perspectives: gender and organisational development
By exploring two approaches to organisational change, gender and organisational development (OD), the author argues that OD is flawed since it perpetuates existing gender inequalities by failing to address them. By contrast, the gender approach brings cha ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:05
- Trading and trade-offs: women's livelihoods in Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan
This paper is based on a small micro-level study carried out to assess the impact of recent socio-economic changes in Tajikistan on the livelihoods and well-being of women in Gorno-Badakhshan. It examines the recent involvement of women in trading and inf ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:08
- Trade unions and women's NGOs: diverse civil society organisations in Iran
A comparison of trade unions and NGOs in Iran demonstrates the diverse nature of their activities. Over the last 90 years, trade unions have played important roles in changing the political system in that country. However, unions are largely male- dominat ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:11