Narrow down by keywords: Book, Gender and diversity

6 results


Development NGOs and Labor Unions: Terms of Engagement

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah Edited by:  Leather, Alan ...

Book - admin - 2009-12-21 14:50

Development and Social Action

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah Civil society organisations (CSOs) are playing an increasingly prominent role in promoting policy change in fa ...

Book - admin - 2009-12-23 16:04

Development, Women and War: Feminist Perspectives

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah Edited by:  Afshar, Haleh ...

Book - admin - 2009-12-21 16:30

Development Methods and Approaches: Critical Reflections

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah M any aid agencies adopt values-based approaches to development - requiring, for instance, that they sho ...

Book - admin - 2009-12-21 18:14

Development and Patronage

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah Far from being a liberating process for all, much of what has been done in the name of development serves to r ...

Book - RichS - 2009-12-22 15:01

Development with Women

Edited by:  Eade, Deborah   Many practitioners and thinkers have tried to make women ‘matter’ in development. Howev ...

Book - RichS - 2009-12-21 12:50