Narrow down by keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya
Community-based organisations are increasingly considered a sustainable way to scale up the benefits of agricultural research and development from a few farmers in isolated pilot project areas to spread more widely across geographical and socio-economic g ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:47
- Social policy from the bottom up: abandoning FGC in sub-Saharan Africa
The authors analyse the experience of Tostan, a Senegalese NGO, with the abandonment of female genital cutting (FGC) in Senegal, the Sudan, and Mali. Tostan uses nonformal, participatory methodologies to support village-based social change, especially in ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:43
- Associational Life in African Cities: Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis
Author: Tostensen Arne, Inge Tvedten, and Mariken Vaa (eds.) Publisher: Uppsal ...
Book review - admin - 2009-12-09 13:42
- 'Communities of practice': prospects for theory and action in participatory development
'The myth of community' permeates both the understanding and the practice of participatory development. Yet the idea that communities exist as coherent units of people who inhabit bounded geographic spaces and are ready to be mobilised for development r ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2010-05-04 15:51
- Gender mainstreaming in organisational culture and agricultural research processes
Despite increased attention to gender issues in the international development arena since the rise of feminism in the 1970s, few agricultural research organisations have integrated gender in their problem diagnosis and technology development. Gender mai ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2011-08-05 15:50
- Strengthening the voice of the poor: religious organisations' engagement in policy consultation processes in Nigeria and Tanzania
This paper describes attempts in Nigeria and Tanzania to build the capacity of selected religious organisations to participate in policy consultation processes, by strengthening their ability to speak effectively to governments on behalf of poor communi ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2012-07-12 13:54
- Reaching the marginalised? Gender value chains and ethical trade in African horticulture
Ethical trade, through codes of practice, forms an important part of the value chains for horticultural products sourced from Africa by major European buyers. This paper explores the relationship between value chains in the horticultural sector, the emplo ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:40
- NGOs and income-generation projects: some further thoughts
The author discusses Alan Gibson's article of the same name (Development in Practice 3(3)). Nyamugasira expands on Gibson's discussion (limited, according to the author) of the problems faced by practitioners forced to balance the adoption of more busines ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:39
- South African NGOs and the trials of transition
The post-election period in South Africa has been marked by trials for the NGO sector, in spite of its pivotal role in the anti-apartheid struggle. The article explores certain developments within the NGO sector, and between the NGOs and the government, t ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:38
- `Linking' and `Empowering': key concepts for intervention following war and disaster
Civil violence affects people as individuals, small groups (for example families), communities and society as a whole. Attempts to help the victims of violence, displacement, and trauma, then, must address each of these strata. The author draws on his exp ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:37