Narrow down by keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Measuring development results: lessons from Ethiopia
As agências de desenvolvimento enfrentam o desafio de medir e relatar os resultados de suas contribuições para promover o desenvolvimento equitativo e sustentável. Como parte disso, as agências fazem previsões amb ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2012-05-15 10:10
- Engaging women in community decision-making processes in rural Ghana: problems and prospects
While it is recognised that women play fundamental roles in the socio-economic development of their communities, they are often excluded from local decision-making processes because their views are not solicited and their interests are not taken into cons ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:41
- A small- and micro-enterprise development strategy for Zambia
Although Zambia's deteriorating macroeconomic situation has created a difficult environment for business, it also creates opportunities for the emergence of small- and micro-enterprises. Recent government policy reforms affecting these firms are discussed ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:39
- Urban management and public-service provision in Chittagong, Nairobi, and Sao Paulo
As markets are increasingly deregulated and government control over public service provision loosens, so the importance of effective urban management is growing. No longer directly providing urban services, governments should now, the author argues, perfo ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:39
- Assessing autonomy among Sahelian women: an analytical framework for women's production work
This paper focuses on the role of women in the Barmanan rural production system in the Manghadié area of Mali. The suggested methodology aims to identify areas of women's autonomy in production activities and factors determining their degree of control. F ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:38
- Blazing a trail while lazing around: knowledge processes and woodfuel paradoxes?
Using autobiographical experience with reference to woodfuel research in two locations in West Africa, this paper illustrates how knowledge processes influence what can be produced as knowledge; how such knowledge is actually produced; and what is eventua ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:36
- The backlash against civil society in the wake of the Long War on Terror
The enthusiasm for civil society that emerged in the late 1980s and 1990s with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the spread of democratic regimes has been replaced in recent years by a backlash against civil society on many levels and fronts. This has p ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:36
- Community development in Malawi: experiences at the grassroots
The author examines the history of grassroots community development (CD) in rural Malawi, with reference to four case studies. The findings illustrate that while the intended beneficiaries of such `self-help' projects need to be persuaded that the costs o ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-10-28 18:44
- Africa in Crisis: New Challenges and Possibilities
Author: Zack-Williams,Tunde, Diane Frost and Alex Thomson Publisher: London an ...
Book review - admin - 2009-12-22 09:02
- The place of stories in development: creating spaces for participation through narrative analysis
The stories that we hear as we conduct development research or implement development projects are often relegated to the margins of development studies. This article argues that these stories require our attention, for they are windows on to indigenous ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2010-04-13 13:42