Narrow down by keywords: Governance and public policy
- From Feast to Famine: Official Cures and Grassroots Remedies to Africa's Food Crisis
Author: Rau, Bill Issue: Volume 1, Number 3 ...
Book review - admin - 2009-12-07 09:25
- Understanding and responding to the links between conflict and hunger
Rising food prices in the late 2000s sparked protests, sometimes violent, around the globe. These public expressions of outrage were only the tip of the iceberg. Many countries have a legacy of food wars. In sub-Saharan Africa, at least 14 countries fac ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2011-08-15 15:52
- “Your kool-aid is not my kool-aid”: ideologies on microfinance within an INGO culture
Development investigations focus on synergies of institutional cultures for policy and practice. International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) currently enjoy a privileged position as harbingers of world culture unity. While there is contestation ...
Abstract - dwardle - 2012-08-16 10:18
- Rights-based approaches to development: what is the value-added?
Advocates and activists for human rights are currently facing a paradox: the coexistence of profound challenges in familiar territory (civil liberties) alongside expansion into new areas. Rights-based approaches (RBAs) are a part of this latter expansiona ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:43
- The role of government and NGOs in slum development: the situation of Dhaka City
In recent years understanding of poverty and of ways in which people escape from or fall into poverty has become more holistic. This should improve the capabilities of policy analysts and others working to reduce poverty, but it also makes analysis more ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:52
- The World Bank's poverty strategy
The World Bank's reliance on market forces when trying to achieve economic growth produces problems when implementing the Bank's strategies. The author puts forward his view that poverty should not merely be defined in terms of income, and that the strugg ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:55
- The humanitarian responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council: ensuring the security of the people
The United Nations Charter confers on the Security Council prime responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. Yet these very concepts are undergoing radical change. More than the absence of war, peace has come to mean harmony both with ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:58
- Globalisation, civil society, and the multilateral system
This paper analyses the significance and scope of the globalisation process, focusing on its implications for the autonomy of national actors, on the one hand, and on the new demands that global governance imposes upon multilateral action, on the other. I ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:03
- 'Resistance as creation': a new sociability in Argentina
While everyday forms of resistance are not new in Argentina, the spontaneity that characterised the insurrection on 19 and 20 December 2001 was unprecedented. It showed how the absence of leadership, co-ordination, and promise might open the doors to powe ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:07
- The `sex war' and other wars: towards a feminist approach to peace-building
For more than a decade, resolutions from the UN and the European Commission have highlighted women's suffering during wars, and the unfairness of their treatment upon the return to peace. Yet the injustices and the hypocrisy continue. Women are reified as ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:10