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Development-induced forced migration: a practical example

Based on primary research, this paper describes the negative human, occupational, and environmental impacts of the Kiraz Dere dam project in Turkey, concluding that financial compensation for people who are displaced by such projects is unlikely in itself ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:05

Sweating it out: NGO campaigns and trade union empowerment

In the context of globalisation, transnational social regulation is increasingly the product of NGOs intervening in the sphere of global trade. Drawing on empirical research in SE Asia, the author contends that what matters as much as codes of conduct are ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:11

Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea

Author:  Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo Publisher:  London: Hurst & Co, 2007, I ...

Book review - admin - 2009-12-17 13:08

Pariah States and Sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya, Sudan

Author:  Niblock, Tim Publisher:  Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2001, ISBN: 1 5558 ...

Book review - admin - 2009-10-18 20:50

Getting Institutions Right for Women in Development

Author:  Goetz, Anne Marie (ed.) Issue:  Volume ...

Book review - admin - 2009-12-07 09:17

Right to Choose: Pioneers in Women's Health and Family Planning

Author:  Huston, Perdita Issue:  Volume 3, Num ...

Book review - admin - 2009-12-17 12:57

Educating the (neo-liberal) citizen: reflections from India

Citizenship has gained considerable popular currency in development and is increasingly being used to represent its objectives and outcomes. The popular conceptualisations of citizenship have not remained unaffected by neo-liberalism, which has establis ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2012-05-15 10:13

Inequality, environmental injustice, and racism in Brazil: beyond the question of colour

Starting from an analysis of social and environmental injustice, the author argues that the concept of environmental racism is integral to the hegemonic model of capitalist development. She reveals how the financial mega-conglomerates, helped by the media ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-10-13 19:06

`The Right to Truth: Amnesty, Amnesia, and Secrecy'

The annual international conference of the Catholic Institute for International Relations took place in London in December 1993, and was concerned with problems arising when countries emerge from experiencing gross human rights violations. The delegates a ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:54

Equity in health and economic globalisation

In this personal Viewpoint, the author argues that globalisation has led to increased inequity in health and healthcare provision, just as it aggravates social inequity in general. He highlights the growing sacrifice of equity to efficiency, and the compl ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:01