Gender and diversity

Following the law, but losing the spirit of child protection in Kenya

This paper explores how an ostensibly child-centred system can fail to protect children. In some policy arenas, the Kenyan state is recognised as a leader in Africa for the care and protection of children at risk. Yet a case study of children's experiences illuminates how, despite adherence to a legislated framework and series of protocols, the Kenyan state proves unable or unwilling to ensure children's care and protection.

Cooper, Elizabeth

The spatialisation of child protection: notes from the occupied Palestinian territory

This paper considers the employment of spatialised practice within child protection efforts as pursued by humanitarian agencies. Starting from a brief overview of the genealogy of enclosure and separation within both humanitarianism and in relation to childhood, examination is then made of spatialisation in the setting of the occupied Palestinian territory. It is argued that in a situation of occupation, the spatialised approach entails numerous problems that are both practical and political in nature.

The full article is available here:

Hart, Jason

Protecting children from trafficking in Benin: in need of politics and participation

This paper critically examines policy in Benin against child trafficking. Drawing on interviews and participant observation with adolescent labour migrants and their communities, it problematises both the assumptions underpinning anti-trafficking policy and the appropriateness of the initiatives that comprise it.

Howard, Neil

Beyond war: ‘suffering’ among displaced Congolese children in Dar es Salaam

This paper examines Congolese children's experiences of war and displacement in the context of the material, social, and relational aspects of their lives in Dar es Salaam. It argues that the challenges, privations and indignities of daily life in urban Tanzania were characterised by feelings of loss, deprivation and hardship so intense they were felt by many to be as or more devastating in their brutality than was life in the midst of war.

Mann, Gillian

Introduction: development, children, and protection

This paper introduces the special issue. It first places the protection of children in the context of development studies. It goes on to outline current international trends in the protection of children and raises questions about them. Finally, it introduces the papers in the issue and highlights how they speak to the questions raised.

The full article is available here:

Myers, William
Bourdillon, Michael

Practical innovations for strengthening Community-Led Total Sanitation: selected experience from Asia

While Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is a relative success in a growing number of countries, there are also difficulties in assuring all community members can build and use toilets. This paper draws on experiences of IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and its partners in strengthening inclusiveness and sustainability in CLTS interventions. It presents practical measures to strengthen gender and poverty equity, community-based monitoring and capacity development for community institutions and the local private sector.

The full article is available here:

da Silva Wells, Carmen
Sijbesma, Christine

More practical lessons from five projects on disability-inclusive development

The present article follows on from the practical note in Development in Practice 20(7): 879–886 that looked at seven common early lessons learnt from the inclusion of disabled people in World Vision programming work across four countries, based on socially inclusive principles. Externally led evaluations and technical support work undertaken between December 2010 and July 2011 in Armenia, Ethiopia, India, Sierra Leone, and Senegal have yielded seven further common lessons.

Coe, Sue

Designing food security projects: Kapchorwa and Bukwo, Uganda

Food security is a key aspect of human development. The present article explores the shortcomings of agricultural interventions in two districts in eastern Uganda. Our study shows that these interventions have achieved only minor successes in relieving rural poverty and strengthening food security. Programmes that support prominent farmers with the aim of commercial development are unlikely to touch the poor. Food insecurity is related to the gendered division of agricultural work, control of cash income and the cycle of planting, harvest and crop sales for poor farmers.

Alinyo, Francis
Leahy, Terry

Gender, health, and Fairtrade: insights from a research-action programme in Nicaragua

The present article provides evidence from a collaborative research programme in Nicaragua that suggests that Fairtrade is falling short of its equity-promoting potential. Providing an alternative framing of Fairtrade based on the gendered social determinants of health, it suggests how Fairtrade can be optimised towards equity. The programme is based on experiences of community-based organisations and women coffee producers who perceive contradictions in the rhetoric of gender equity in Fairtrade.

Hanson, Lori
Terstappen, Vincent
Bacon, Christopher M
Leung, Jannie
Ganem-Cuenca, Alejandra
Flores, Sandro Raúl Díaz
Rojas, María Asunción Meza

A rural support programme exit strategy: women filling vacated spaces and excelling in community development

Rural support programmes in Pakistan are major players in rural development, with significant outreach. Owing to funding constraints, they are currently exploring an exit strategy whereby they facilitate the formation of multi-tier local support organisations (LSOs), including those exclusively run by women. The present article focuses on the impact of this exit strategy on rural women.

Khan, Shaheen Rafi
Khan, Shahrukh Rafi
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