East Asia

Relationships, learning, and trust: lessons from the SNV–RECOFTC partnership

The term ‘partnership’ has become a catch-cry for development organisations aiming to mobilise the resources and collaboration needed to achieve long-term goals such as poverty reduction and sustainable resource management. Achieving effective collaboration in practice, however, can be challenging. This article adds to recent discussions on what makes effective partnerships offering lessons from an ongoing partnership between RECOFTC (Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific) and SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation).

Mahanty, Sango
Yasmi, Yurdi
Guernier, John
Ukkerman, Rob
Nass, Lucia

Why a managerialist pursuit of MDGs will not necessarily lead to achievement of MDGs

With case studies on Millennium Development Goal (MDG)-oriented reform projects in Vietnam, this article focuses upon a persistent dilemma in attempting to turn worthy goals into implementable programmes and sustainable results. How to achieve these goals is uncertain but modern performance management, as expressed in Logical Frameworks, demands certainty. The article suggests how an open-management style can allow for pragmatic adaptation to circumstances or, more radically, how Log Frames could be redesigned to focus upon interpretation of contextual challenges.

Curtis, Donald
Poon, Yeow

Women and Migration in Asia: Migrant Women and Work, Volume 4

Agrawal, Anuja (ed.)
Sage Publications, India, 2006, ISBN: 07619 3457X, 226pp.
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Reviewed by Kim Van Eyck California Nurses Association Insitute of Health and Socio-economic Policy, USA

In English only

Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management: Learning Studies and Lessons from Asia

Vernooy, Ronnie (ed.)
New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, CA, London: Sage Publications and Ottawa: IDRC, 2006, ISBN: 0-7619-3463-4, 250 pp.
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Barbara Adolph Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, UK

In English only

Managing for Change: Leadership, Strategy and Management in Asian NGOs

Smillie, Ian and John Hailey
London: Earthscan, 2001, ISBN: 1 85383 722 9, 193 pp.
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Reviewed by David Lewis

Lecturer in Non-governmental Organisations, Centre for Civil Society, LSE

In English only

Denial and Distress: Gender, Poverty and Human Rights in Asia

Murthy, Ranjani K and Lakshmi Sankaran
London: Zed Books, 2003, ISBN: 81 87380 60 8, 160 pp.
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reviewed by

Arcelia Martínez Bordon

Politics Department, University of York, York

In English only

Southeast Asia in Search of an ASEAN Community : Insights from the Former ASEAN Secretary-General

Severino, Rodolfo C.
Singapore, ISEAS, 2006, ISBN 978-981-230-388-2, 489 pp.
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Reviewed by Consuelo Katrina A. Lopa Regional Co-ordinator, South East Asian Committee for Advocacy, and Focal Point, Working Group on the ASEAN, SAPA/Solidarity for Asian People’s Advocacies, Metro Manila, Philippines

In English only

African Perspectives on China in Africa

Manji, Firoze and Stephen Marks
Nairobi and Oxford: Fahamu, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-9545637-3-8, 174 pp.
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Reviewed by Luk, Tak-Chuen Centre for Research and Development, China Unit, Oxfam Hong Kong

In English only

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