The New Scramble for Africa

Carmody, Pádraig
Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, 2011, ISBN: 978 0 7456 4784 5, 240 pp.
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Ashton Fourie
Zoë Life, Durban, South Africa

The New Scramble for Africa gives a fresh insight into some of the baffling phenomena one observes when working with this complex, problem-ridden continent. Carmody gives a well-balanced view of the way African economics have been driven by the need for resources in the rest of the world. He demonstrates that the current change of players in this international tussle for Africa's resources is a change of actors, but not a change of the fundamental plot of the story, which has been playing out over the past few hundred years. He offers some clearly well-researched information, which is not always easy to come by, and makes some very insightful connections that are not always evident, even to the astute observer.

The full book review is available here: