Oblivion or Utopia: The Prospects for Africa

Chiku Malunga with a foreword by Alan Fowler
2010, University Press of America,
Reviewed by or other comment: 

John Beauclerka - Oxford, UK

So far the popular literature on the pros and cons of international aid as a route to development has divided fairly neatly between those who clamour for more (Sachs 2005); those who decry it (Easterly 2006); and those who would see it assigned to failed states (Collier 2007). While observing these conventions, the fresh arrivals to the debate introduce a new dynamic, with an authenticity and urgency that escapes the mainly male, mainly middle aged and mainly white commentators to date. This is the second recent book in which ‘privileged young Africans’ (by which Malunga means those with a clear grasp of the issues facing the continent, not excluding professionals with good qualifications) have their say. The first book, to which Oblivion or Utopia responds from the perspective of African civil society, is Dambisa Moyo's (2009) market-orientated Dead Aid: why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa.

The full book review is available here:
