Narrow down by keywords: Género e diversidade
- Mulheres, trabalhadores e migrantes no setor público de saúde globalizado: debate na Conferência de Trabalho Internacional de 2004
As remessas totais de trabalhadores migrantes (US$80 bilhões em 2003) ultrapassaram significativamente o montante total de assistência ao desenvolvimento do exterior (US$55 bilhões no mesmo ano). Muitos concluem que tais remessas oferecem uma contribuição ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:52
- Household coping strategies in Kyrgyzstan
The author considers the coping strategies used by the newly poor households of the now-independent nation-state Kyrgyzstan. Like other former members of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan has fared badly economically since the disintegration of both the Union ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:55
- Soup kitchens, women and social policy: studies from Peru
In 1996 the Peruvian NGOs ALTERNATIVA, FOVIDA and INCAFAM spoke to many soup kitchen members, all women, to establish how they felt about the work and the future of the kitchens. The author reports on the connected activities sometimes run by these organi ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:59
- Gender, development, and training: raising awareness in the planning process
Several decades of development experience have yielded a wealth of findings about the key assumptions, procedures, and practices by which women have been marginalised in development planning. The value of these insights lies not only in highlighting flawe ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:04
- Tradução em pesquisa inter-cultural: um exemplo da Bolívia
As traduções levantam dilemas éticos e epistemológicos inerentes na pesquisa inter-cultural. O processo de comunicar as palavras dos participantes de pesquisa em um idioma e um contexto diferentes pode impor um outro esquema conceitual em seus pensamentos ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:07
- O envolvimento das mulheres na aquacultura de pequena escala no nordeste da Tailândia
No nordeste da Tailândia, as mulheres estão altamente envolvidas na aquacultura de pequena escala. Contudo, conforme a aquacultura torna-se mais intensiva, as mulheres estão participando menos. O poder das mulheres de tomar decisões na aquacultura e na fa ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:10
- Desenvolvendo indicadores para avaliar o empoderamento das mulheres no Vietnã
De meados de 1999 até meados de 2001, os autores realizaram um estudo qualitativo na zona rural do Vietnã para explorar as relações entre eqüidade de gênero e saúde reprodutiva. Um dos objetivos do estudo foi desenvolver indicadores culturalmente adequado ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:00
- Population policy and reproductive choice in South Asia
In September 1992 a workshop was held in Oxford, bringing together activists, researchers and academics with the joint aims of sharing diverse perspectives on South Asia's population policies as well as revising a research proposal on all aspects of women ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:54
- Dealing with hidden issues: trafficked women in Nepal
The authors describe the extent of the trade in mainly rural Nepalese women, sold into prostitution and bonded labour in Asia and the Middle East, often by their families, because of poverty. The organisation Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH) works ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:56
- Export processing zones: a Caribbean development dilemma
The author describes incentives used by governments to attract foreign investment and create export processing zones (EPZs), also known as special economic or free trade zones. The low cost of labour, mostly provided by women, is one of these incentives. ...
Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:01