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Privatizing the Democratic Peace: Policy Dilemmas of NGO Peacebuilding
Carey, Henry F.
Palgrave MacMillan, UK, 2011, ISBN 978 1 4039 9688 6, 304 pp.
The role of NGOs in peacebuilding has been under increasing debate. This book gives a good description of the notions of realism, liberalism, and neo-conservative perspectives in understanding to what extent NGOs can fill the space that fragile or failed states and international organisations cannot reach. There is not a clear definition of what a NGO is; they are so diverse in their philosophies, ways and methodologies, and their agendas. It is this diversity and flexibility that has enriched their role in the peacebuilding arena.
The full book review is available here:
Volúmen 23, Número 2
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