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NGOs, civil society and the State: building democracy in transitional countries
40 participants from 24 countries took part in this workshop, organised by the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) in Oxford, UK. Much of the workshop was spent trying to reach agreement on what civil society means, and the degree to which it can be conceptually separated from the State, and reinforced by NGOs. Another concern was that Northern and Southern NGOs' understandings of civil society were often different; the Northern interpretation was accused of being donor-driven and neo-imperialist, and there were general concerns that less powerful groups could be assimilated by stronger organisations attempting to impose `togetherness' and `co-operation'.
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Content type
- Abstract (1429)
- Book review (59)
- Book (20)
- Cooperación internacional (278)
- Sociedad civil (481)
- Conflicto y reconstrucción (86)
- Medio ambiente (construído y natural) (90)
- Género y diversidad (204)
- Globalización (91)
- Gobernabilidad y políticas públicas (220)
- Trabajo y medios de vida (203)
- Metodología (288)
- Derechos humanos (133)
- Sector social (142)
- Tecnología (45)
- Estados Árabes (28)
- Middle East (6)
- Oceanía y el Japón (31)
- Europa Central y del Este/CEI (30)
- Asia del Este (87)
- América Latina y el Caribe (164)
- América del Norte (28)
- Asia del Sur (186)
- South East Asia (16)
- Africa subsahariana (309)
- Europa Occidental y del Sur (42)