Secteur social

Tensions in the psychosocial discourse: implications for the planning of interventions with war-affected populations

Fundamental conceptual tensions underlie current debates regarding the implementation of psychosocial interventions with war-affected populations. Three particular tensions structuring current discourse concern the generalisability versus uniqueness of relevant knowledge, the valuing of technical versus indigenous understandings, and the planning of targeted versus community-based intervention. The implications of working out these tensions in the implementation of programmes are explored, leading to the proposal of a model of phased response to psychosocial needs.
Ager, Alastair

Commercial sex and the single girl: women's empowerment through economic development in Thailand

The author presents the views of Thailand's Population and Community Development Association (PDA - Thailand's largest NGO) about how to provide women attracted to the commercial sex industry (CSI) with economically viable alternatives to this accepted (in Thailand) type of `manual labour'. Research has shown that poverty is the major factor cited by voluntary commercial sex workers (CSWs) as influencing their move into the industry, and that economic development is their way out.
Sacks, Rachel G.

Basic learning needs of young people and adults in Latin America

The author provides a summary of important lessons learned from adult educational activities and research in Latin America. Basic learning skills are defined as the skills needed in order to provide for ones basic needs, in turn based on the current understanding of human rights, and while literacy training is often regarded as the primary developmental tool in this respect, illiteracy is only one symptom of inequality and poverty. Schmelkes makes values the central element in her notion of competence.
Schmelkes, Sylvia

REFLECT: A new approach to literacy and social change

Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Empowering Community Techniques (REFLECT) is an approach to adult literacy programmes which borrows from Paolo Freire's `active dialogue' method and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques. Developed by ACTIONAID, the authors describe and assess the use of REFLECT in pilot studies in Uganda and in Bangladesh, providing very positive feedback on this learning methodology; they argue that it allows for a synthesis of empowerment and literacy, although its flexibility - whether it will work in urban areas, with refugees etc - needs to be tested.
Archer, David
Cottingham, Sara

Junto con los niños: les enfants des rues du Mexique

Il est à noter que la question des enfants des rues est l'un des thèmes qui ne figurent pas sur le plan d'action en dix points établi lors du Sommet Mondial sur les Enfants de 1990. Or la présence de ces enfants est un phénomène commun dans les villes des pays en voie de développement et ils vivent dans des conditions de pauvreté des plus extrêmes. Dans cet article, l'auteur se penche sur l'expérience des enfants des rues dans la ville mexicaine de Puebla.
Jones, Gareth A.

Children, conflict and displacement

It is increasingly being recognised that many survivors of trauma are not best helped by psychological intervention based on the common Western patient/analyst relationship. Radda Barnen commissioned research into a variety of approaches to working with children who have been victims of conflict and/or displacement.
Tolfree, David

The community re-integration of Romanian orphanage graduates

In 1994, the authors conducted research in the Iasi district of Romania, and present here findings about institutionalised children's aspirations, education, level of family contact and their assessment of the problems they face. The research provides some interesting pointers for those involved in programme planning, suggesting that better education and encouraging familial contact, where possible, throughout institutionalisation are more effective than strategies which seek to help the children when they leave.
Fyvie, Claire

La lutte mondiale pour le droit à un endroit où vivre

Dans cet article, le problème des conditions inadéquates de logement et de vie auxquelles doit faire face un quart de la population du monde est situé dans le cadre des droits de l'homme et de la reconnaissance, au niveau international, des droits fondamentaux à un endroit où vivre et à obtenir et maintenir un niveau de vie convenable.
Kothari, Miloon

The right to protection from sexual assault: the Indian anti-rape campaign

The author discusses her involvement, as a member of the Indian Women's Movement (IWM), in campaigning for increased protection under Indian law for women, and children, from sexual assault of any kind. The law at present has large gaps in it, and is formulated with the joint aims of protecting `virginal' women and protecting men at risk from the false allegations of low caste, impoverished, sexually-aware women.
Gangoli, Geetanjali

Networks, support groups, and domestic violence

The author researched women's experiences of domestic violence and abuse in Calcutta, India. She reports on their strategies for coping with and resisting this violence, noting that the majority of the women developed resistance strategies, and that in many cases these worked. A pragmatic approach is taken, since, the author argues, it is unhelpful to assume that the best course of action for these women would be to leave their partners.
Sen, Purna
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