Secteur social

Le rôle des ministères des finances dans la mise en œuvre des “3 un”

Les ministères des finances (MF) ne peuvent pas ignorer l’important défi que représente le VIH/sida pour le développement. Afin d’aborder cette épidémie, il faut adopter une nouvelle approche complète et cohérente : le VIH/sida doit être intégré dans toutes les activités.
Lanteri, Alessandro
Nsarhaza, Kizito Bishikwabo

Endangering women's health for profit: health and safety in Mexico's maquilodoras

Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was agreed, thousands of maquiladoras (assembly plants) have sprung up along the Mexican side of the Mexico/US border. Around a million workers are subject to violations of their human, labour, and health rights, the author argues, and this is a by-product of `free trade'. Abell advocates worker organising, appropriate training and access to information, and international solidarity, in order to avoid such abuses here and in the growing number of export processing zones (EPZs) around the world.
Abell, Hilary

Where Women Have No Doctor

In the context of inequity which makes achieving `health for all' extremely difficult, Where Women Have No Doctor attempts to give access to health information to those who lack it. The authors applaud the book, and stress that there is great need for this information, despite criticism from the book's reviewer in Development in Practice 8(3).
Casanova Guedes, Alessandra
Helzner, Judith Frye

Access to graduate education in Bangladesh

There has been growing concern in Bangladesh that access to higher education is restricted to high-income families. Here, the author reports on the early findings of research into the socio-economic backgrounds of students at Bangladesh's major universities. These findings indicate that the average student is from an affluent, probably land-owning, family. The results are worrying since they suggest that doing well in the education system prior to university is not enough to ensure one has access to higher education.
Khan, Niaz Ahmed

NGOs: ladles in the global soup kitchen?

The author argues that Northern NGOs are increasingly moulding themselves in the image of, and accepting the impetus of governments to become, a delivery service for global welfare. Commins believes that NGOs can, and should, avoid this by reassessing themselves on a variety of levels, including where they fit in complex emergency situations and how the new vocal presence of Southern NGOs presents a challenge for their role. This article is freely available as a chapter in Development NGOs and Civil Society.
Commins, Stephen

Equity in health and economic globalisation

In this personal Viewpoint, the author argues that globalisation has led to increased inequity in health and healthcare provision, just as it aggravates social inequity in general. He highlights the growing sacrifice of equity to efficiency, and the complicity of `elite' countries and companies in the deterioration of social conditions. Medical knowledge is being traded as a for-profit commodity, and the benefits of globalisation and liberalisation are bypassing poorer countries because of the concern for profit.
Schuftan, Claudio

Prescription for underdevelopment

The authors respond to some of the criticisms of Where Women Have No Doctor (Development in Practice 8(3)). They argue that, far from it being dangerous to give medical information to low-literacy, untrained people, the reverse, i.e. no information at all, can lead to more damaging attempts at health care.
Metcalf, Elena
Shannon, Sarah

In support of Where Women Have No Doctor

The author gives personal feedback on a review of this publication (Development in Practice 8(3)). She argues that the reviewers' criticisms in respect to the book's treatment of abortion and intra-uterine contraceptive devices, and it's failure to consider cultural and religious sensitivities, were unsubstantiated or incorrect.
Starrs, Ann M.

Letter from Honduras, 5 November 1998

The author wrote this open letter to her friends in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Mitch, from the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. She describes the devastation, how nearby countries have sent assistance, and her fears for the future.
Aguilar, Lourdes

Réponse aux troubles mentaux dans le Tiers Monde: impérialisme culturel ou lutte pour la synthèse?

L'auteur de ce document met en cause l'adéquation d'une partie de l' `aide' qui a été apportée dans le domaine des troubles mentaux dans les pays ` en voie de développement', en particulier en Afrique, et examine certaines des questions idéologiques complexes sous-jacentes aux différentes manières de comprendre, sur le plan culturel, l'étiologie et le traitement des maladies mentales. Certaines expériences personnelles, illustrant des exemples de l'imposition d'idéologies culturellement peu appropriées dans l'enseignement de la psychiatrie, sont décrites.
Gilbert, Jane
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